About Us We are a tutoring services provider operating in Hong Kong. Our tutoring services are principally directed at secondary school students and primary school students as a supplement to the students’ formal school education. We have a long history based on the establishment of our first tut...
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kix/mdash: ~0.5 symfony/framework-bundle: ~2.1 twig/twig: ~1.12 Requires (Dev) phpunit/phpunit: 4.0.x Suggests None Provides None Conflicts None Replaces None MITc67301399afd69fefb09f415c1c65168cd7471f2 Stepan Anchugov<kixxx1@gmail.com> ...
Given that there is already a standard library function for "find last occurence of a char in a string" also allows one to remove a custom loop. Signed-off-by: Andreas Rheinhardt <andreas.rheinhardt@gmail.com>master n7.2-dev … n4.3 ...
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