T-72主战坦克(英文:T-72 Main Battle Tank [1],俄文:T-72 ОСНОВНОЙБОЕВОЙТАНК [2]),是20世纪70年代初前苏联设计生产的一型主战坦克。 T-72主战坦克设计上秉承了苏军一贯的作战思路,系统配置易于生产,不仅保留了苏制坦克特有的低矮外形和125毫米大口径主炮等特点,可发射炮射导弹,...
为了使M-1车系适应住民地作战中的各项考验,美国陆军从2003年年初推出一系列供M-1战车加装的城区生存力套件(Tank Urban Survival Kit,TUSK);当时第一辆加装TUSK套件的原型车具有以下特征:在车体、炮塔塔顶部与两侧、车尾发动机舱都装置附加装甲,APU辅助动力单元移到车尾并由装甲保护,在炮塔侧面与尾部加装枪榴弹发射...
The M829A3 is the most effective anti-armor kinetic energy round fired from the M256 120mm smoothbore cannon mounted on the Abrams Main Battle Tank. This cartridge has been specifically developed to counter advances in armor protection technologies, to include explosive reactive armor. The ...
Prior to the creation of its own main battle tanks, Israel tirelessly modernized European and American armored vehicles, customizing them to their specific needs. Of course, such a widely produced tank as a Sherman couldn't avoid such upgrades, but at the time it wasn't possible for Israel ...
T-62主战坦克(英文:T-62 Main Battle Tank),是20世纪50年代末苏联继T-54/T-55主战坦克后研发的新一代主战坦克,属于美、苏/俄标准三代坦克,国际标准二代半坦克。T-62主战坦克采用传统布局,发动机传动室在尾部,指挥室在前部,战斗室在中部,乘员为4人,分别是驾驶员、车长、炮长、装填手。T-62主...
M1主战坦克(英文:M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank,又称:M1艾布拉姆斯主战坦克),是美国第三代主战坦克,也是美国陆军和美国海军陆战队主要的主战坦克。M1主战坦克战斗全重54.5吨,炮塔和车体多用钢板焊接而成,具备良好防弹外形,各部分的装甲厚度不等,最厚达125毫米,最薄为12.5毫米,坦克正面装有“乔巴姆”...
Having APDS at such a low battle rating makes the Strv m/41 S-II a great vehicle to do ambushes in and deal with heavier armoured vehicles likeB1 bisandM4A3 (105)if it can get the first shell fired into a vital spot. It also gives the Strv m/41 S-II the capabilities to fight ...
The M41D (Chinese: M41D輕型戰車) was an overhaul upgrade of the ROCA's fleet of M41A1/A2 Walker Bulldogs during the 1990s. As a long-time user of M41 tanks, the ROCA previously attempted to reverse-engineer the tank under the name Type 65 with M41A3
AB 2.0 RB 2.0 SB 2.0 Battle rating Sweden Game nation Light tank Main role 5,900 Research 6,300 Purchase 7 Compare Show in game General information The Strv m/40L was an upgrade to the Strv m/39, which was also an upgrade over the Strv m/38. At the outbreak of World ...