清州M电影院(Cheongju M Cinema) 9-1 Jimdae-ro 60beon-gil, Heungdeok-g, 兴德区, 清州显示地图 不论是商务还是休闲旅客,清州M电影院都能让您的清州之行变得更加美好而难忘。从酒店很方便到达Cheongjuyeog,仅有4km距离。包括Poongnyeongol Park、钵山公园和Chenghyang Children's Park都在短距离内,入住酒店...
Become a member to see COMPANYmeter for M-Cinema. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for M-Cinema. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Filmography Staff Clients Affiliations Box Office Filmography Edit 1 title Title Type All Distribution...
Become a member to see COMPANYmeter for M-Cinema. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for M-Cinema. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Filmography Staff Clients Affiliations Box Office Filmography Edit 1 title Title Type All Distribution...
Y.M.Cinema was born to provide professional digital cinema knowledge yet simple and fun to read. Y.M.Cinema focuses on news and insights related to cinematography and post, in order to engage and educate.
购票 11:45 14:09散场 国语2D 6号厅沉浸音巨幕厅 ¥ 影城卡¥38 购票 13:30 15:54散场 国语3D 3号厅 ¥ 影城卡¥37 购票 14:30 16:54散场 国语2D 6号厅沉浸音巨幕厅 ¥ 影城卡¥38 购票 16:15 18:39散场 国语3D 3号厅 ¥ 影城卡¥37 购票 17:15...
3、左腋下淋巴结--性质待查,可疑转移。 4、双侧颈内静脉形态结构正常,未见明显栓子声像。 超声所见: 双侧乳腺扫查: 左乳内下8点钟位触及肿物处可见一低回声肿物(邻近乳头距皮肤0.9cm,大小约3.4*2.1*1.8cm),形态不规则,长轴与皮肤...
观众评分9.2 倩女幽魂 观众评分9 猫猫的奇幻漂流 观众评分8.9 天堂旅行团 观众评分8.2 疾速追杀4 24133人想看 怒水西流 54050人想看 我会好好的 82977人想看 不说话的爱 19288人想看 白雪公主 哪吒之魔童闹海 观众评9.8 主演:吕艳婷,瀚墨,囧森瑟夫
Y.M.Cinema was born to provide professional digital cinema knowledge yet simple and fun to read. Y.M.Cinema focuses on news and insights related to cinematography and post, in order to engage and educate.
4.If thecinemais the church, this is the seminary. 如果把电影比作一座教堂 那么这里就是神学院 5.His bread and butter was thecinema. 他曾经靠给电影配乐挣钱养家 6.cinemais a mirror of reality and it's a filter. 电影是反映现实的镜子 是一次过滤 ...
根据Y.M. Cinema消息,IMAX公司正在开发第二代IMAX电影机,它依然是拍摄65mm胶卷,但是外壳采用碳纤维、钛合金制造,具备蜂窝层夹板架构,以降低重量,同时它支持无线连接,拥有新光学部件(取景器?)、5英寸彩色屏幕,提供多个按键、接口。Y.M. Cinema推测,《沙丘3》将会是一部完美的电影,因为它将会使用第二代IMAX电影机...