在Ubuntu上安装lz4c,由于lz4c是LZ4压缩工具的一部分,你可以通过以下步骤进行安装。请注意,这里提供的步骤适用于没有root权限的情况,以及通常情况下的安装方法。 一、打开Ubuntu终端 你可以通过搜索栏输入Ctrl + Alt + T或者点击左上角的Dash标志,然后搜索"Terminal"来打开终端。 二、更新软件包列表 确保你的系统是...
Ubuntu安装Atom1.去官网下载,链接点此。 点击Download.deb[deb为ubuntu专属安装包]2.双击deb安装包 进行安装 2.1 双击 atom-amd64.deb2.2 点击安装 2.3 安装完成 3.打开 Atom 安装完成后 双击Atom图标 打开 Ubuntu16.04完全离线安装mysql –imysql-common_5.7.18-1ubuntu16.04_amd64.deb2.sudodpkg-preconfigure ...
You can installzstdandliblz4-toolwithin your base container to make this work. I encountered a similar problem with another container-based build and encountered this issue when searching for solutions. So, for example, with an Ubuntu-based underlying image, you could add something like this to ...
Solved: In attempting to build per `imx-docker` using both Dockerfile-Ubuntu-18.04 and Dockerfile-Ubuntu-20.04. IMX_RELEASE=imx-5.15.32-2.0.0
第一次在 RK3399 编译 Android 8.1 的系统,编译内核过程中报错如下: /bin/sh:1: lz4c: not found make[1]: *** [arch/arm64/boot/Image.lz4] 错误1make:*** [Image.lz4] 错误2 提示指令 lz4c 未找到,安装指令包即可 $ sudo apt-getinstall liblz4-tool...
第一次在 RK3399 编译 Android 8.1 的系统,编译内核过程中报错如下: /bin/sh:1: lz4c: not found make[1]: *** [arch/arm64/boot/Image.lz4] 错误1make:*** [Image.lz4] 错误2 提示指令 lz4c 未找到,安装指令包即可 $ sudo apt-getinstall liblz4-tool...
Full Compile On Ubuntu### 1 step: build and install OpenCV 4.1.2 (4c71dbf) ## https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html ## https://opencv.org/releases/ # cd /opt/<my_working_directory> ### 1 step: apt insall depend libs # libopencv-dev sudo echo "...
A Ubuntu (16.04/18.04) user can use the same commands as Debian to install these packages but one must first run sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fangq/ppa sudo apt-get update to enable therelevant PPA(personal package achieve) first.
Full Compile On Ubuntu### 1 step: build and install OpenCV 4.1.2 (4c71dbf) ## https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html ## https://opencv.org/releases/ # cd /opt/<my_working_directory> ### 1 step: apt insall depend libs # libopencv-dev sudo echo "...
Full Compile On Ubuntu### 1 step: build and install OpenCV 4.1.2 (4c71dbf) ## https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html ## https://opencv.org/releases/ # cd /opt/<my_working_directory> ### 1 step: apt insall depend libs # libopencv-dev sudo echo "...