HERO 立ちあがれHERO You are my HEROいつだってそうやって 迷う時でもHERO 信じてるHERO キミは HEROいつだってそうやって逃げ出さない My HEROHERO 立ちあがれHERO You are my HEROいつだってそうやって 戦い続けてHERO 信じてるHERO キミが HEROいつだってそうやってあきらめない My ...
HERO 立ちあがれHERO You are my HEROいつだってそうやって 迷う時でもHERO 信じてるHERO キミは HEROいつだってそうやって逃げ出さない My HEROHERO 立ちあがれHERO You are my HEROいつだってそうやって 戦い続けてHERO 信じてるHERO キミが HEROいつだってそうやってあきらめない My ...
Did you ever know that you’re my hero And everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle For you are the wind beneath my wings It might have appeared to go unnoticed But I’ve got it all here in my heart
Yeah you put me in the spotlight, just to steal the showAnd you try to take me home like you're domyshio, ohIt's such a jokeWhy are you singing me love songsWe're good as a love song, we're good as a love song without the loveWhy are you singing me love songsWe're good ...
Zetsubousei: Hero Chiryouyaku Despairity: Cure For Being a Hero Ending Theme Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui Dou Kangaete mo Watashi ga Waruku Nai No Matter How I Look at It, It's not My Fault! Ending Servant × Service May I Help You? Opening Tonari no Se...
I want to see you and I feel like crying, in a romantic mood So I’ll convey my feelings to you Continue reading→ Leave a comment Posted inLyrics - English,Lyrics - Romaji,One-Punch Man One-Punch Man Opening Theme – THE HERO!! ~Ikareru Kobushi ni Hi o Tsukero~ ...
Kimi wa Mujihi na Boku no Joou You Are My Ruthless Queen Kimi wa Neko, Boku wa O-sakana You're a Cat, I'm a Fish Len assailed by an aggressive woman Kimi wo Sagasu Sora I Search the Skies for You Kimi wo Ubaitakute I Want to Snatch You Away Kimikagesou Lily of the Valle...
Don't keep it to yourself! Add it Here Watch the song video Careful (Click, Click) 4.3M 25,852713 Quiz Are you a music master? » "'Cause I still believe in your faithfulness, 'Cause I still believe in your ___" Ayouth Bspoof Cproof Dtruth...
Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay But you are not alone I am here with you Though we're far apart You're always in my heart But you are not alone 'Lone, 'lone Why, 'lone Just the other...
"You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars." —"You Are In Love,"1989 (Taylor's Version) "I said, 'Remember this moment' in the back of my mind." —"Long Live,"Speak Now(Taylor's Version) "This night is sparkling, don't you let it go." —"Enchanted,...