MATT:I wrote all these lyrics in English and emailed them off, and then you and the audio team did your thing. From my perspective, at that point, I was out of it. I was on to the next thing. To be honest, the first time I ever heard the music was when you walked out into t...
By his formal introduction to the force!Devastatin'!Riveting whirlwinds [Chorus x3] At the same time Rains incessant pattern [Chorus x4] That afternoon the appatite of the catasrophe beast cooledBegan by snackin' on the panoramic viewPopulation of people Every single house was feeble In the ...
The song first appeared in print as “Low Bridge! – Everybody Down” (subtitled “Fifteen Years on the Erie Canal”) and was credited to composer Thomas S. Allen (1876-1919) of Natick, Massachusetts. Allen is said to have originally written it sometime between 1905-1912,...
I really meant to be doing far more of these updates but the schedule is thankfully and gratefully so packed here in Detroit that I can barely get into bed before it’s time to get up and start singing again. The participation here has been insanely enthusiastic and wonderful. We’ve als...
to never neglect to bow before this sacred time the prayer of true love is the size of the universe — I feel it contract like the heart of the calf and then i feel it expand with your head in my hands you can press the part you love into my palm when it comes on ...
” And then she sang Kumbaya. My nerves settled almost completely as my purpose for being their became crystal clear. When it was time for me to take the floor, I explained to the people that if we were stuck in a gas chamber that I’d be the one banging on the door screaming “...
to enjoy it the hardcore and the gentle big time sensuality Poppy_chen 初出茅廬 1 BIRTHDAY Lyrics she lives in this house over there, has her world outside it. SCRABBLES IN the earth with her fingers and her mouth--she's five years old. thread worms on a string, keeps spiders ...
Time marches on. Take me now, For all I am. No matter what I've said, Time marches on. Take me now, For all I am. No matter what I've said, Time marches on. I never meant to run when you came for me, I just got scared because I didn't believe. So catch me if you can...
As time marches on us We're livin too fast... Will you surrender? These days lead to hours... These hours to days... I'm watchin behind this 'Cause it's just slippin' away... Will you surrender? This good thing we have? As time...
Every time you say “It’s not goodbye” The feelings pour out again Cry as time marches on If someday I forget everything I’d like to stay just like this, the scars and pain Embracing it all like this I will not cry cry cry Wiping my tears and giving a smile From here walking...