The captured Africans were generally marched in chains to the coast and crowded into the holds of slave ships for the dreaded Middle Passage across the Atlantic Ocean, usually to the West Indies. Shock, disease, and suicide were responsible for the deaths of at least one-sixth during the ...
"Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room?" —"Question...?"Midnights "Spinning in my highest heels, love, shining just for you." —"mirrorball,"folklore "Isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?" —"invisible string,"...
This phenomenon is calledThe Loudness Wars. Listeners have a habit of preferring louder music over softer music, and as the music marketplace becomes increasingly crowded, the average volume of songs is pushed higher to stand out more, resulting in an inevitable "loudness arms race". The Big ...
Well you’re okay up to Purim But when the Nisan moon starts to shine A promise made to Avraham upsets your mindWell at the Seder table When we sing L’Shana Haba’a You needn’t take it so literally Don’t you know it’s just a song So forget about this dreamer Whom you’ve be...
How beautiful, the ones I never get to use No frills, no fuss Perfectly us, unglamorous Frozen dinner, chilly glass of wine Tastes just fine Two bread winners, five kids in short time With eyes just like mine How wonderful, Crowded dinners at the kitchen table ...
To all tomorrow's parties A hand-me-down dress from who knows where To all tomorrow's parties Where will she go What shall she do When midnight comes around She'll turn once more to Sunday's clown And cry behind the door ♬~ ...
It’s just too hot and crowded for me here That ole crow is waiting for me there On the north side Where are the blue snow flies Frozen in time on the North side It’s the first place the snow’s gonna lay And the last place it’s gonna leave… ...
Crowded into the sweat lodge, Crouched around the hot rocks. Leaves in the fall on the trees outside your mom’s, Can’t be ignored anymore. back to top The Gold String (Devon Sproule) I’m imagining a golden string that is connecting ...
Small my table, a-sets just two Got so crowded, I can't make room Oh, where did they come from? Stormed my room! And you dare say it belongs to you... This is not for you (3x) This is not for you (3x) This is not for you (3x) Oh, not for you...ah, you...
And to your wassail too, And God bless you and send you a Happy New Year, And God send you a Happy New Year. God bless the master of this house, Likewise the mistress too And all the little children, That round the table go. ...