Your custom karaoke for Sag mir wann made famous by Roland Kaiser, change the lyrics then download the video to make any event unforgettable: birthdays, weddings, bachelor(ette) parties.
as made famous byRoland Kaiser Composers : Götz Von Sydow, Maite Kelly This title is a cover ofSag bloß nicht Helloas made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Sag bloß nicht Hello Log into leave a reply. Can't find what you are looking for?
as made famous by Roland Kaiser Songwriters : Roland Kaiser, Norbert Hammerschmidt Composer : Joachim Heider This title is a cover of Joana as made famous by Roland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Joana Log in to leave a reply.You
Original songwriters : Peter Rudolph Heinen, Franz Bartzsch, Roland Kaiser This title is a cover ofBis zum nächsten Malas made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Bis zum nächsten Mal Log into leave a reply. You may also like... ...
as made famous byRoland Kaiser Original songwriters : Roland Kaiser, Norbert Hammerschmidt, Bernd Dietrich, Gerd Grabowski, Stanislav Tanov This title is a cover ofLieb' mich ein letztes Malas made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Lieb' mich ein letztes Mal ...
as made famous byRoland Kaiser Original songwriters : Roland Kaiser, Dieter Bohlen, Norbert Hammerschmidt This title is a cover ofMidnight Lady (Einsam so wie ich)as made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Midnight Lady (Einsam so wie ich) ...
as made famous byRoland Kaiser Original songwriters : Joachim Heider, Norbert Hammerschmidt, Roland Kaiser This title is a cover ofDie Gefühle sind freias made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Die Gefühle sind frei Log into leave a reply. ...
Original songwriters : Marc Hiller, André Stade, Franziska Wiese This title is a cover ofDas Beste am Lebenas made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Das Beste am Leben Log into leave a reply. Can't find what you are looking for?
Any reproduction is prohibited as made famous byRoland Kaiser Original songwriters : Eric Philippi, Eike Staab This title is a cover ofIch werde da seinas made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Ich werde da sein Log into leave a reply. ...
Composer : Daniel Faust Original songwriters : Peter Plate, Ulf Leo Sommer This title is a cover ofLiebe kann uns rettenas made famous byRoland Kaiser Share your thoughts about Liebe kann uns retten Log into leave a reply. Can't find what you are looking for?