Jesus is risen, it's no surprise Even he would martyr his mama to ride to hell between those thighs The pressure is building, at the base of my spine If I gotta sin to see her again then I'm gonna lie and lie and lie She'll make you cry ...
Shane & Shane "Jesus Is Better": There is no other so sure and steady My hope is held in your hand When castles crumble and breath is...
Sheer, char, shrift, and sharp Christ is risen: You may creep to the Cross too late But it's much too late to welcome The Inmost Light Branch, sallow, willow and yew And trees notso gay no more So falling faster and faster we fall Nearer cataclysm Or salvation Or nothing - how terr...
Jesus risen, Savior lead us Out of sin and death Word of God in flesh and blood, we're here for You Bread of life, the love of God, our heav'nly food To the Father, to the Son And to the Spirit be Blessing, honour, glory, power Might, and majesty It is God who we encounter...
Here the bells ringing, they're singing Christ is risen from the dead The angels up on the tombstone Said He has risen, just as He said Quickly now, go tell his disciples That Jesus Christ is no longer dead Joy to the word, He has risen, hallelujah ...
Jesus Calms The Storm Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Keith & Kristyn Getty, The Getty Girls, Sandra McCracken & Joni Eareckson Tada Jun.11, 2024inJLeave a Comment When my heart is filled with fear Like a stormy sky Jesus says “be not afraid” He is at my side ...
There on the cross it is finished The lamb of God for us was slayed And up from the grave He is risen Up from the grave he is risen We believe our God is Jesus We believe that He is Lord We believe that He has saved us
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today- Easter Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus- (English translation) Pentecost hymn used for Confirmation and priestly ordinations Veni Sancte Spiritus- (English translation) Ancient and beautiful Sequence for Pentecost Pange Lingua Gloriosi- (English translation) From the feast of Corp...
is magnificent in all lands! 中文(Chinese): 主啊,我们的统治者, 您的荣耀 在万国之中显赫! 2. 福音朗诵 Evangelist Recitative: “Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte” 德语(German): Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte, ging er mit seinen Jüngern hinaus ...
Rise my soul, the Lord is risen Come behold the empty grave See the place where darkness laid Him Sing for only hope remains Hallelujah, praise forever Death defeated and life restored By that great immortal power Christ is risen, arise my soul ...