Original lyrics of Iko Iko song by Sia. 1 user explained Iko Iko meaning. Find more of Sia lyrics. Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. Comment and share your favourite lyrics.
Sui sugi kuso meriken sing so meriken sweet sweet kuso meriken Redei su jentorumen hoe ro binbou! Eburibadei iko you! Gurokki na bien de masuku wazuka nanmai? Hanamizu haitsumo afure te tare ru Kyou e josou de doko he... Mareni tsukare moyou ...
As a way to express himself without offending his boss, he came up with gibberish phrases to sing. “So I wrote Tutti Frutti in the kitchen, I wrote Good Golly Miss Molly in the kitchen, I wrote Long Tall Sally in that kitchen,” he explained toRolling Stone. You’ll enjoy these song...