It always works for me; it's called the tooth decayer Stone Temple Pilots: Interstate Love Song Feelin'... like a ham-and-mustard shake Journey: Don't Stop Believing Don't stop believing. Hold on to that sweet derriere. Primitive Radio Gods: Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With...
"I had this melody in my head for a while, and I wanted to have this sort of grand song about a love story," recalls the singer. "I think it was around 1993, early '93, when the song was first written.""I thought the song could have this intro that would be like a ballad ...
Did you know that Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong initially wrote love song lyrics for what would eventually become "Basket Case"? Luckily for him and us he eventually decided to keep the music but go a different direction with the song. During a recent appearance on the Song Exploder podc...
Armstrong goes on to reveal that as the band started writing for Dookie, they began to move away from writing love songs and were more invested in writing about everyday life and feelings. That's when he decided to revisit the music for his discarded love song. "I think I just got the...
stone temple pilots, interstate love song, purple album Atlantic Records Stone Temple Pilots, "Interstate Love Song" (1994) Stone Temple Pilots were known for playing hard rock, but the mellower “Interstate Love Song” from 1994’sPurplebecame one of their absolute biggest hits. Bassist Robert...
stone temple pilots, interstate love song, purple album Atlantic Records Stone Temple Pilots, "Interstate Love Song" (1994) Stone Temple Pilots were known for playing hard rock, but the mellower “Interstate Love Song” from 1994’s Purple became one of their absolute biggest hits. Bassist Rob...
Interstate Love Song Stone Temple Pilots $9.99 Plush Stone Temple Pilots $9.99 Creep Stone Temple Pilots LP version $9.99 Wicked Garden Stone Temple Pilots $9.99 Bullet with Butterfly Wings The Smashing Pumpkins $9.99 Creep (acoustic) Stone Temple Pilots live MTV unplugged $9.99 Breaking...
You never know we come and go like we're on the interstate I think finally found a note to make you understand If you can hear it, sing along and take me by the hands Keep myself inside your head, like your favorite tune And know my heart is a stereo that only plays for you ...
You never know we come and go like on the interstate I think I finally found a note to make you understand If you can hit it, sing along and take me by the hands Just keep it stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune You know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you ...
Interstate we movin’ forward, 18 gears, the bridge ain't closed 4008 Peterbilt, orange and gray long-nose Haulin’ apples grade A, swap trailers on payday Your meat get delivered on tough beats While y'all supposed to be movin' on tough streets Play it back baby, crank the pipes, I ...