"Do You Care" lyricsLittle Richard Lyrics "Do You Care"Do you know that Jesus loves you? Do you care? Do you know He died to save you? Do you care? Can you say with God's own Son, not my will but Thine be done Does it matter? Can you hear Him? Do you care? Do you care...
When Jesus Beckons Me Home When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again When My Savior Reached Down When Silver Threads Are Gold Again When The Angels Come To Get Me When The Bees Are In The Hive When The Bright Lights Grow Dim When The Evening Sun Goes Down When The Golden Leave...
Love, care, and serve Let's make a difference Lift up your voice and just take a stand Love, care, and serve Witness the wonders God can achieve when we testify Love, care, and serve for him Jesus came to show us the way to serve Giving his precious life He forgave and saved as ...
Jesus bless our country Bless evry child who lost their mummies and daddies Let them know how much u love them And how much u care And they don't have to be afraid For u have not given us The spirt of fear but of power Love and a sound mind ...
Just cause you're not drunk Don't think you're not fucked up A lot of good people like to have a good time Even Jesus Christ turned the water into wine Self-righteous crusader Don't care what you don't do Explanations Meanings Share Email Print Correct Like...
Have you come here to play Jesus? To the lepers in your head Well, did I ask too much, more than a lot? You gave me nothing, now it's all I got We're one, but we're not the same Well we, hurt each other Then we do it again ...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development...
tonight we'll abandon all we share force a deep sleep and pretend we don't care I'd hate to put us up against yesterday... I guess what can't be close must be far away. Cause the past will kill the present if I let it the past will kill the present if I let it the past ...
He does not use a stage name like most rappers, instead using his birth name on stage. Also ranks #8 on The Best Detroit Rappers Dig Deeper 33 Rappers Who Have Been Shot Also ranks #41 on The Best Midwestern Rappers 51 Jasper Dolphin 281 votes As a member of Odd Future, Jasp...
every horizon And forever and ever His heart is my home Everybody has fears, everybody got worries Everybody knows sorrow, devastation But we can lay our burdens down Lay our burdens down What a friend we have in Jesus What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear!