Mountain suggests that this could be a case of “guerrilla rewilding,” an attempt to accelerate the reintroduction of lynx into Scotland. Just this summer, “beaver bombing”—the unauthorized release of the paddle-tailed rodents back into the rivers...
(redirected from Lynx (cat))Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus. lynx 1. a feline mammal, Felis lynx (or canadensis), of Europe and North America, with grey-brown mottled fur, tufted ears, and a short tail 2. the fur of this animal 3. bay lynx another name for bobcat 4. dese...
Define Canada lynx. Canada lynx synonyms, Canada lynx pronunciation, Canada lynx translation, English dictionary definition of Canada lynx. n. a North American lynx, Lynx lynx , having tufted ears and a grayish-tan coat. Random House Kernerman Webster's
but some have suggested reintroducing the species in Scotland to help manage booming deer populations.— Scottish Wildlife TrustInstead of meowing like a house cat, bobcats make chirruping sounds like a bird.— Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute Editor's note: This story ...
the park, which is surrounded by tall railings.But experts believe the cat - which isn't native to Scotland - has headed into the nearby Galloway Forest.Headkeeper Victoria McClelland said: "It was born in captivity, but it is a natural hunter and should be able to survive in the wild...
Lynx (cat) Lynx Analysis Unit LYnx BInary Distribution Outlet Lynx canadensis Lynx canadensis Lynx caracal LYNX Central Station Lynx Certifiable Stack Lynx Geosystems Incorporated Lynx lynx Lynx Operational Evaluation Unit Lynx over-the-wire catheter Lynx pardina Lynx Real-Time Systems Lynx rufous Lynx ...
It is a cat, larger. The lynx, at least from the experience we have, used to take its meals next to the rabbits, in the burrows (…). Once we figured that one entrance was bigger (…) we got to know it when the little ones came out (reference to cubs) (…). (Manager, MB ...
farming.But the 2006 find, together with three others in Yorkshire and Scotland, is compelling evidence that the lynx and the mysterious llewyn were in fact one and the same animal.If this is so, it would bring forward the tassel-eared cat's estimated extinction date by roughly 5,000 ...
The Pride of Scotland; Caring, Confident, Gifted and Ambitious. the Winners and Nominees at the First Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards Show the Real Face of O... the overpowering smell of Lynx.Out front was just as stunning, with the dining hall outdoing that of Hogwarts.Mobbees of the eve...
Define Eurasian Lynx. Eurasian Lynx synonyms, Eurasian Lynx pronunciation, Eurasian Lynx translation, English dictionary definition of Eurasian Lynx. n. A wildcat of Africa and southwestern Asia having short fawn-colored fur and long tufted ears. America