As we all know, biopsy is an invasive procedure, a diagnostic method that causes damage. Whether it's a needle biopsy or an excisional biopsy, it will result in some degree of injury, and may even leave a scar. This is especially true for lymph nodes in the neck; a scar on the nec...
The automated segmentation of lymph nodes (LNs) in ultrasound images is challenging, largely because of speckle noise and echogenic hila. This paper proposes a fully automatic and accurate method for LN segmentation in ultrasound that overcomes these issues.The proposed segmentation method integrates ...
Key Points • Evaluation of enlarged lymph nodes with ultrasound includes assessment of size, shape, echogenicity, borders, and vascularity. In general, normal-sized lymph nodes are <1 cm, but size varies by location in the body from 0.5 to 2 cm. •
Schmid-Wendtner, MH., Valesky, E. (2021). Ultrasonography of Skin and Lymph Nodes. In: Plewig, G., French, L., Ruzicka, T., Kaufmann, R., Hertl, M. (eds) Braun-Falco´s Dermatology. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Download citat...
Mayo Clinic research into whether ultrasounds to detect breast cancer in underarm lymph nodes are less effective in obese women has produced a surprising finding. Fat didn't obscure the images—and ultrasounds showing no suspicious lymph nodes actually p
≥3 abnormal lymph nodes on ultrasound was the most significant predictor of high nodal burden subgroup in Z0011 eligible patients with a positive lymph node needle biopsy. This information could allow this subgroup to proceed to an upfront ALND and avoid the need of a sentinel lymph node biops...
Ultrasound as a well-established imaging modality is widely used in imaging lymph nodes for clinical diagnosis and disease analysis. Quantitative analysis of lymph node features, morphology, and relations can provide valuable information for diagnosis and immune system studies. For such analysis, it is...
The examination of regional lymph nodes, especially of axillary area, is an obligatory part of breast US since the basic lymph outflow follows through the axillary collector. The clinical method of...Sencha, Alexander N.Yaroslavl Railway ClinicEvseeva, Elena V....
Komori et al. show that hepatocytes, pancreatic islets and thymocytes flourish in the mouse lymph node, suggesting that lymph nodes could serve as a transplantation site for cell therapies. Cell-based therapy has been viewed as a promising alternative to
2000bytheAmericanInstituteofUltrasoundinMedicine•JUltrasoundMed19:195–200,2000•0278-4297/00/$3.50 A EnlargedLymphNodesoftheNeck: EvaluationwithParallelExtendedField-of-View SonographicSequences MatthiasBeissert,MD,ManfredJenett,MD,ThomasWetzler,MD,IreneHinterseher,MD, ...