淋巴结是小小的,形如豆状分布于全身的腺体。它们是淋巴系统的一部分,在人体组织和血液之间运输淋巴液、营养物质和废物。 淋巴系统是人体免疫系统的重要组成部分。淋巴结在淋巴液流经它们的过程中起到过滤淋巴液,诱捕细菌、病毒和其它外来物质的作用,然后这些物质被淋巴细胞...
3.Anat.a knotlike mass of tissue:lymph node. 4.Pathol.circumscribed swelling. 5.Bot.a part of a stem that bears a leaf or branch. 6.Math.Also calledjoint,knot.in interpolation, one of the points at which the values of a function are assigned. ...
Histological sections showing the aspect and size of different lymph nodes. Hematoxylineosin stain (20X). A) Popliteal lymph node. B) Mandibular lymph node. C) Portion of a jejunal lymph node. 1: Hilus; 2: Lymph node artery; 3: Lymph node vein; 4: Primary lymphatic nodule (cortex); 5...
Lymph NodesAttilio OraziJulia Turbiner GeyerDifferential Diagnosis in Surgical Pathology (Third Edition)
(a) Describe how lymph nodes function as lymphatic organs. (b) Describe the path of lymph through a node. Lymphatic System: The lymphatic system is a collection of vessels, tissues, and organs that drain lymph, a clear fluid from bodily tissues and sen...
While females had more memory T cells in their nodes, males had a higher percentage of T regulatory cells. This sexual dimorphism in wildtype animals manifested pre-pubertally, was enhanced post-pubertally, and was eliminated by castration. The formation of male gonads is determined by the ...
Lymph nodes are crucial organs of the adaptive immune system, orchestrating T cell priming, activation and tolerance. T cell activity and function are highly regulated by lymph nodes, which have a unique structure harbouring distinct cells that work together to detect and respond to pathogen-derived...
b.Any of various organs, such as lymph nodes, that resemble true glands but perform a nonsecretory function. 2.BotanyAn organ or a structure that secretes a substance. [Frenchglande, from Old Frenchglandre, alteration of Latinglandula, diminutive ofglāns, gland-,acorn.] ...
Reply: Lymph node density as a surrogate marker for positive lymph nodes. A response by S. Polterauer, C. Grimm, A. Reinthaller and C. Tempfer to a letter to the editor about their article on lymph node density is presented. Polterauer,S.,Grimm,... - 《British Journal of Cancer》...
Lymph node revealing solution in gastric carcinoma does not provide upstaging of the N-status Staging of gastric carcinoma depends on exact lymph node status. However, very small lymph nodes can easily be missed during routine examination as they ar... T Luebke,SE Baldus,TK Zirbes,... - 《...