Lyme disease is an infectious diseasecaused bythe bacteriumBorrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete (spy-ro–keet) thatistransmittedto humans through the bit of infected black-legged (or deer) ticks and western black-legged ticks. It is the most common tick-borne illness in the United States. ...
DNA ConneXions named "Most Accurate At-Home Lyme Disease Test" again in 2024! GET LYME DISEASE TEST SHOP ALL TESTS Named Most Accurate At-Home Lyme DNA ConneXions helps patients and their practitioners identify underlying health issues. Most Accurate At-
research and development team has remained dedicated to advancing diagnostics for flea- and tick-borne diseases. In this new brochure, we discuss Lyme borreliosis and the advantages of our revolutionary Nanotrap® test that was launched last year. Lyme borreliosis is a tick-borne disease that cau...
The best diagnostic test for Lyme disease is documentation of an erythema migrans rash, particularly in endemic regions and instances of recent tick exposure. These patients require immediate antibiotic therapy. When the diagnosis is unclear, serologic testing is recommended using either the concurrent ...
The spirochete microbe in Lyme disease downgrades your vitamin D receptors by 50 to 80x! This inhibits your immune system’s ability to fight the microbe. Other microbes, viruses, and certain types of cancer also downgrade vitamin D receptors. If you have a problem with your vitamin D recept...
The present invention provides an accurate method to identify and quantify the Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) antigen, the cause of Lyme Disease, in a sample of whole blood, body tissues and fluids of a subject, a human or animal subject. The qualitative method provides a quick, easy and accurate...
Most humans are infected through the bites of immature ticks called nymphs. Nymphs are tiny and often difficult to see. Adult ticks also transmit Lyme disease bacteria, but they are much larger and are more likely to be discovered before they have had time to transfer the bacteria (8). ...
莱姆病(Lyme)快速检测试剂盒 Lyme Disease IgG 莱姆病(Lyme disease)是由伯氏疏螺旋体所致的自然疫源性 疾病 ,又称莱姆疏螺旋体病(Lyme borreliosis)。 临床 表现主要为皮肤、 心脏 、神经和关节等多系统、多脏器损
The common name of deer tick is still widely used in the northern states where Lyme disease is prevalent. The blacklegged ticks in the southern states rarely bite humans and few are infected with Borrelia burgdorferi. Consequently, few cases of Lyme disease occur in that area. The following ...
Lyme Disease Antibody TestBorrelia Burgdorferi