this concept is not acceptedby credible infectious disease experts and among the broadermedical community because it lacks robust scientific evidence. Reputable medical authorities, including the CDC and IDSA (Infectious Diseases Society of America), do not recognize “chronic Lyme disease” in this con...
Central Mass Lyme disease awarness and prevention through tick control and tick protection. An informative blog by Dave Macchia, tick control enthusiast.
they also never considered Lyme to be the cause. As a result, she was never tested for it. Her doctors told her the likelihood she had Lyme was very small because she lived in California, where Lyme disease was not prevalent.
“Lyme can be a really terrible disease and a very complex one. Different patients have different responses, and the disease can manifest in different ways,” says Zhang, who believes Lyme can indeed develop into a chronic form that resists the current antibiotic treatment. Indeed, for around ...
#5: If I don’t have a rash or a fever, the tick that bit me didn’t give me a disease. At least 20% of people infected withBorrelia burgdorferi(Lyme)don’t have the characteristic erythema chronicum migrans (bull’s-eye) rash (EM). People with other tick-borne illnesses may be ...
Medical experts are introduced and they declare that there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease, and no way to prevent it. In the near-future, we are told, sixteen million Americans will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Petersen reveals that he is now in a relationship with a wi...
Although complete recovery is seen if patients with early-stage disease receive timely and suitable treatment, some patients keep having lingering symptoms long after the original infection has apparently been cleared. In fact, some health experts feel that Lyme is a chronic and persistent disease for...
#5: If I don’t have a rash or a fever, the tick that bit me didn’t give me a disease. At least 20% of people infected withBorrelia burgdorferi(Lyme)don’t have the characteristic erythema chronicum migrans (bull’s-eye) rash (EM). People with other tick-borne illnesses may be ...