The problem with tool-based advice is that the tools change. The technology I used for almost every component of my M.Sc. thesis (1985–1987 A.D.) — from the computers, to the software, to the way we assembled plates of illustrations, to the publication process — now seems a bit l...
美国的邮编系统,也被称为邮政区编号(Zone Improvement Plan,简称ZIP),官方机构为USPS(美国邮政署),类似我们的中国邮政。美国邮编可以分为4大类STANDARD(普通邮编),MILITARY(军队邮编),PO BOX(Post Office BOX 邮局邮编),UNIQUE(大客户邮编,学校,机构等)。美国邮编主要由5位数字组成,代表不同的地理区域。这些数字的...