Instead of being an act of misleading, the deception could, for exam- ple, be down to a lack of attention, on the part of the speaker, because he or she did not answer a question very precisely (note that this is a typical pretext when speak- ers are caught in attempts to mislead!
Effects of sitting up for five minutes versus immediately lying down after spinal anesthesia for Cesarean delivery on fluid and ephedrine requirement; a randomized trial. Can J Anaesth 2011;58:1083-9.El-Hakeem EE, Kaki AM, Almazrooa AA, Al-Mansouri NM, Alhashemi JA. Effects of sitting up...
at least until the RCP8.5 median SLR level is reached. Under RCP2.6, all coastal archetypes will benefit from some degree of SLR risk reduction from high versus none-to
at least until the RCP8.5 median SLR level is reached. Under RCP2.6, all coastal archetypes will benefit from some degree of SLR risk reduction from high versus none-to