Uber XL Uber XXL Black - Limo Black SUV - Limo Assist Lyft: Extra Comfort XL Lux Black Lux Black XL International Terminal Pick-ups International Terminal guests should proceed to the Departures/Ticketing Level center island Lyft, Uber, and YRide Pick-Up/Drop-Off zones 14-17 for both pick...
Lyft also offers higher end vehicle options for higher earnings. Aside from the standard Lyft (up to 4 passengers) and Lyft XL (up to 6 passengers), they also offer Lyft Lux, Lux Black and Lux Black XL. You can earn more with vehicles that qualify for Lyft Lux, Lux Black and Lux Bl...
"dgUseRemoveVehicleInfoStepV2": false, "dgUseRemoveVehicleInfoStepV3": false, "showPremierLuxOnlyPushNotification": false, "vehiclePreferenceSubtext": true, "DOMobileUpsell": "default", "dpNewDriverEducation": false, "DOHideScheduleInspection": false, "dgApplicationDepositEnabled": false...
Uber and Lyft implemented policies to ensure drivers on their platforms are safe and own a newer vehicle. Your driver should own a car that’s 15-years old at most (newer vehicles are required in some markets), shouldn’t have a serious traffic violation on his or her own record, and s...
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Uber XL Uber XXL Black - Limo Black SUV - Limo Assist Lyft: Extra Comfort XL Lux Black Lux Black XL International Terminal Pick-ups International Terminal guests should proceed to the Departures/Ticketing Level center island Lyft, Uber, and YRide Pick-Up/Drop-Off zones 14-17 for both pick...
Uber XL Uber XXL Black - Limo Black SUV - Limo Assist Lyft: Extra Comfort XL Lux Black Lux Black XL International Terminal Pick-ups International Terminal guests should proceed to the Departures/Ticketing Level center island Lyft, Uber, and YRide Pick-Up/Drop-Off zones 14-17 for both pick...