Lyft Business Portal Your go-to place for full visibility into your organization's ground transportation spend, helping you improve policy adherence and ensure duty of care. Enable People Sync for a secure and scalable way to automatically manage your people, expense info, and reports, so you ca...
If you want to be able to tip the driver within the app, Uber makes it easy, although most riders aren’t thinking of the convenience of tipping when they book the ride. Many rideshare drivers will drive for both Uber and Lyft, and take whichever ride comes up first. This minimizes ...
street from the Post, and I’d occasionally lean on its CEO Patrick McQuown for background guidance about the business. Years later, I’m finally quoting him directly in his role as a professor at Brown University who just publisheda study of the economics of Uber from a driver’s ...
"lnLineExperienceAppVersion": false, "nudgeNearbyDriver": false, "locations": { "shouldRemoveLocationAccuracyValidation": false, "Rt3aDisplay": false, "RTMMKafka": false }, "venues": { "SFOAirlineZonesFirst": false, "is_prohibited_venue": false, "is_BKNGrandCentralStation"...