async for generation in llm.generate_iterator('What is the meaning of life?'): print(generation.outputs[0].text)Note The motivation behind making llm.generate_iterator an async generator is to provide support for Continuous batching with vLLM backend. By having the async endpoints, each prompt...
Since the flags are defined and used in different locations, we need to define a variable outside with the correct scope to assign the flag to work with. varVerboseboolvarSourcestring There are two different approaches to assign a flag. Persistent Flags A flag can be 'persistent' meaning tha...
这意味着所有的值都可以被放在变量里,当作参数传递到另一个函数中,并被函数作为结果返回。 Lua 中有八种基本类型:nil,boolean,number,string,function,userdata,thread, andtable.Nil类型只有一种值nil,它的主要用途用于标表识和别的任何值的差异; 通常,当需要描述一个无意义的值时会用到它。Boolean类型只有两种...