全球成功的商业模式、独家活动、理想的发展机会和强大的合作伙伴——Lyconet 为有兴趣建立独立企业家声誉的人们提供所有这些。 与知名公司的合作确保了可持续成功的完美先决条件. myWorld myWorld Benefit Program 为 50 多个国家/地区的超过 1500 万客户提供独特的购物优惠,并为大约 150,000 个 (myWorld partners提...
At Lyconet, we place a high value on further education and the personal growth of all our employees. Flat hierarchies and regular feedback sessions ensure that our international team feels good at work and that everyone can bring forward their own ideas. ...
Our business model has established itself all over the world and has already enabled thousands of people to successfully enter the entrepreneurship. With Lyconet, you now have the opportunity to become successful with your own company! Coaching & Mentoring ...
At Lyconet, we place a high value on further education and the personal growth of all our employees. Flat hierarchies and regular feedback sessions ensure that our international team feels good at work and that everyone can bring forward their own ideas. ...
Our business model has established itself all over the world and has already enabled thousands of people to successfully enter the entrepreneurship. With Lyconet, you now have the opportunity to become successful with your own company! Coaching & Mentoring ...
Keep track of your Lyconet business, even when you're on the move: The Lyconet app enables you to create and maintain your Organization conveniently from your i…
Solunchevski, MendeStefanovska, LidijaBizimovski, OliverInternational Dialogue: East-West
开发者“Lyconet Global AG”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请参阅开发者隐私政策。 未与你关联的数据 开发者可能会收集以下数据,但数据不会关联你的身份: 联系人 标识符 使用数据 诊断 隐私处理规范可能基于你使用的功能或你的年龄等因素而有所不同。了解更多 ...
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#巴尔干狂想曲# 这些天,我们吃过的美食们,喝过的美酒们~巴尔干半岛物价低,冰激凌普遍10元左右,汉堡25元左右,主菜80元左右,相对低廉的物价让我们每天都吃到肚歪。以下图片全部使用Nubia z11拍摄,无论光线如何,皂片依旧靓丽 @nubia智能手机 ...