Rose, Roses, Rosset Waffle, Sake, Salted Butter, Sauce, Scallop, Scallops, Sesame, Shoyu, Shrimp, Shrimps, Sparkling Wine, Sugar, Sugar Moon Melon, Sugar Moon Melons, Takoyaki, Tart, Tartare, Tarts, Tasting Menu, Tea, Tina Vildgaard, Tomato, Tomatoes, Travel, Trout, Trout Fish, Trout Roe...
cis- rose oxide, andtrans- rose oxide had the highest OAVs in young litchi wines offering floral and fruity attributes. Compared to ambient temperature with bottle aging, lower temperature benefited key aroma retention and (as expected) extended the shelf life of young litchi wines (Wu, Zhu, ...