function[out, SUM]=fet(db, dt, evolve, dismin, dismax, thmax)% Computes Lyapunov exponent of given data and parameters, generates output% textfile, exact replica of Fortran 77 version of fet% Taehyeun Park, The Cooper Union, EE'15out=[];ndim=db.ndim;ires=db.ires;tau=db.tau;datcnt...
matlab计算李雅普诺夫指数 如何理解和计算Lyapunov exponent spectrum? 1、这是我听到最接近人话的描述。 混沌运动的基本特点是运动对初始条件极为敏感,两个极为靠近的初始值所产生的轨迹,随着时间推移将按照指数方式分离。李娜诺普指数就是描述这一现象的量。 2、 结论: --- --- 计算方法来了: 求解指数的这一...
Since expansion range can only be specified using whole numbers, round-offKminandKmaxto the nearest integer. Find the largest Lyapunov exponent of the Lorenz attractor using the new expansion range value. Kmin = 21; Kmax = 161; lyapExp = lyapunovExponent(xdata,fs,lag,dim,'ExpansionRange',[Km...
function h=lyapunov(r,x0,Npre,n)轨迹起点x0=0.4 h 是Lyapunov exponent 要分别搞2个程式 1。function h = lyapunov(r, x0, Npre, n)x = x0;Loop of pre-iteriates for k = 1:Npre,x = r*x*(1-x);end,h = 0;for k = 1:n,Add logarithm of the map derivative at...
四、给出了分形计算的源代码的matlab程序,可以迅速帮助大家进行分形的分析与计算,参数容易设置 function [Texp,Lexp]=new1lyapunov(n,rhs_ext_fcn,fcn_integrator,tstart,stept,tend,ystart,ioutp,d); % % Lyapunov exponent calcullation for ODE-system. ...
%Lyapunov,exponent,Calcullation,for,ODE-system. % %The,alogrithm,employed,in,this,M-file,for,determining,Lyapunov %exponents,was,proposed,in % %A.,Wolf,J.,B.,Swift,H.,L.,Swinney,and,J.,A.,Vastano, %Determining,Lyapunov,Exponents,from,Time,Series,a,Physica,D, ...
The function i'm interested in has been submitted by the COMMUNITY: MathWorks FileExchange website for community implementations of Lyapunov Exponent calculations. However, this one apparently works with ODE...
This Matlab software is based on the ode87. Therefore, the local error normally expected is O (h9) since the ode87 is an eighth-order accurate integrator. Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 6. Lyapunov spectrum of system (2). The largest positive exponent λ1, which increases the...
炮娘**炮娘 上传7.84 KB 文件格式 zip lyapunov largest lyapunov exponent lyapunov指数谱计算matlab程序包 Lyapunov exponent calcullation for ODE-system,This function is a part of MATDS program - toolbox for dynamical system investigation点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
可以迅速帮助大家进行分形的分析与计算,参数容易设置MATLAB程序如下:1 function Texp,Lexp=new1lyapunov(n,rhs_ext_fcn,fcn_integrator,tstart,stept,tend,ystart,ioutp,d);2 %3 % Lyapunov exponent calcullation for ODE-system.4 %5 % The alogrithm employed in this m-file for determining Lyapunov6 ...