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0069讲:造字思维记忆法初探~6规律1,s表出来,speak从beak出来 00:47 0068讲:如何记beak?如何获得深刻永久的记忆?捆绑策略,以熟带生,建立联结 00:21 0067讲:造字思维记忆法初探~6规律1,s表出来,上帝用he创造she 00:54 0066讲:造字思维记忆法初探~6规律1,s表出来 00:50 0065讲:Bully和bull 00:24...
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1368 Accesses 8 Citations 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Hair follicles are the basis of the formation of Hu sheep pattern. This study was to employ whole transcriptome sequencing to screen differentially expressed long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) between three wave patterns in lambskin. In ...
Q_LY 0001S-2019水果干制品企业标准.pdf,备案号: 有效期至: a Q/LY 杭州临安辽野食品有限公司企业标准 Q/LY 0001S-2019 水果干制品 2019-08-23 发布 2019-09-01 实施 杭州临安辽野食品有限公司 发布 Q/LY 0001S-2019 前言 为了保证产品质量和指导生产,参照 《食品国家安
Molecular adsorption on the (0001) surfaces of rare-earth metals The adsorption of molecules on rare-earth (0001) thin films on W(110) at room temperature has been studied using photoemission spectroscopy. COadsorbs diss... RIR Blyth,C Searle,N Tucker,... - 《Physical Review B》 被引量...
Q/LYHS 0001S-2022 特级初榨橄榄油.pdf 下载文档 资源简介 > 本文件规定了特级初榨橄榄油的术语和定义、技术要求、检验规则、标签、标志、包装、贮存和运输。本文件适用于以特级初榨橄榄油为原料,原装进口或进口后直接灌装生产的可食用的特级初榨橄榄油产品(以下简称“产品”)。 1/7页 2/7页 3/7页 4/...
To determine the olfactory threshold a single staircase, three alternative forced choice (3-AFC) procedure was used with 16 different dilutions of n-butanol (BUT)27,28. The olfactory threshold is defined as the lowest odor concentration that can be reliably detected31. More precisely, the test...
[8]Morin CW, Comrie AC (2010) Modeled response of the West Nile virus vector Culex quinquefasciatus to changing climate using the dynamic mosquito simulation model. Int J Biometeorol 54: 517–529. doi: 10.1007/s00484-010-0349-6. pmid:20683620 ...