Ask anyone to name a distinguishing characteristic of an adverb, and the reply might be that such a word ends with -ly. Although that is often true, some adverbs, such asfast, lack the ending. For this reason, they are known asflat adverbs. In addition, many words ending in-lyaren’t...
英语v-edly副词的理解及其翻译-understanding and translation of english v - edly adverbs.docx,摘摘要 万方数据 万方数据 摘要 本文要对英语 V-edly 副词进行形态和语义内容、语义结构的解析,探讨这类副词的翻 译。 V-edly 副词作为复合副词的一种,由动词和-(e)d, -