I'm a rank beginner in the Bible. I don't deny that there may be excellent reasons for Christians to return to the Hebrew, and not use the Septuagint as our basis for the O.T., but I'd like to hear from some more biblically experienced folk. This is my first post on this subjec...
Several examples from the Hebrew (MT) Psalms illustrate this phenomenon with comparisons from two ancient Jewish translations, the Septuagint and Psalm Targum. From the few examples examined in this article, the translations do not appear to replicate the same intratextual references as those of the...
The Göttingen Septuagint (Vetus Testamentum Graecum: Auctoritate Academiae Scientiarum Gottingensis editum) is a major critical version, comprising multiple volumes published from 1931 to the present and not yet complete. Its critical apparatus presents variant Septuagint readings and variants from other...
Olofsson, StaffanOlofsson, S. 2001. Law and lawbreaking in the LXX Psalms - a case of theological exegesis, in: Zenger, E. (Hrsg.), Der Septuaginta-Psalter. Sprachliche und the- ologische Aspekte, 291-330. Freiburg: Herder. (HBS 32.)...