无特权容器功能,NFS和SMB/CIFS选项不可用 无法直接访问宿主机硬件资源,只能读取数据,适用于资源盘; 非特权才能直通Nvida vGPU 普通用户身份:将宿主机的普通用户映射成容器里的root,限制了root用户权限,比特权容器更安全 不支持NFS和SMB/CIFS协议,挂载会报错: mount error(1): Operation not permitted lxc 特权容器 ...
CONTAINER SYSTEM CONSOLE lxc.console # console记录输出至文件里,也可通过lxc-start的-c选项来指定文件 CONSOLE THROUGH THE TTYS lxc.tty # tty数量 MOUNT POINTS lxc.mount # fstab文件路径 lxc.mount.entry # fstab文件内容直接写于此,替代lxc.mount指定文件路径方式 ROOT FILE SYSTEM lxc.rootfs # 指定rootfs...
mount 问题 (container 内需要给权限. 不给的话那就在外面用) apk add fuse3 dbus-x11 gvfsd-fuse gvfs-smb # modprobe fuse T=$(mktemp); dbus-launch --sh-syntax > $T; source $T; rm $T gio mount smb://IP/path --- 服务器需要 samba-server 和 samba-common-tools (用于 smbpasswd -a ...
50,Container list 显示上面安装的 Jellyfin, 点击Jellyfin进入 51,点击Duplicate/Edit 52,拉到最下面 点击Volumes -> 点击 +map additional volume -> 按需填写container项目 ,Volume项目下拉选择上面常见的volume,如图 53, 点击Deply the container 应用, 等待重启 54, 到jellyfin界面 控制台, 媒体库,添加媒体库 ...
Start the LXC Container created above and login to its console via the Proxmox UI or SSH. Install Docker (e.g.Install Docker Engine on Debian) Run virtual-dsm in docker using the mount points created:docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 --cap-add NET_ADMIN --device-cgroup-rule='c *:...
6. ChangeCONTAINER TYPE.If you (ever) need to mount your media viaNFS, you MUST selectPrivileged. If you will be using Samba/SMB or have local media only, you can selectUnprivileged(only Proxmox 8.2 and later).Note:You can’t change the privilege level after deployment. You will need to...
Mount host volume to LXC container (Optional) This part of the guide is about mounting a directory from the host to a unprivileged container. The directory can be a SMB or a NFS share that is already mounted on the host, or any other local directory. ...
but I can not get the mount to persist after reboot. They mount perfectly fine and operate as they should as long as the container remains on but I have to mount -a after every reboot. I have been scouring the forums all day today to no avail, can someone set me straight? Reactions...
Mounting a CIFS (Samba) share in an LXC container does not work by default and shows a mount error(13) with permission denied.