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lxc.cgroup2.devices.allow: c 10:200 rwmlxc.mount.entry: /dev/net/tun dev/net/tun none bind,create=file 这是linux里的tun设备,clash,zerotier这些会用到,(pve7.0后cgroup无效) 粘贴完, crtl+x退出编辑, y保存, 回车确认 下一部分则是大头, 该lxc容器承担了nas功能, 运行着docker,跑着关键的服务 ...
lxc.cap.drop: 取消 openwrt.common.conf 里面 对 cap的限制,不然openclash无法使用 单网卡 完整配置 12345678910111213141516 arch: amd64cores: 2hostname: OPmemory: 1024net0: name=eth0,bridge=vmbr0,hwaddr=8A:8C:94:9B:ED:A4,type=vethnet1: name=eth1,bridge=vmbr0,hwaddr=8A:8C:94:9B:ED:...
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Often in the movie world, a titanic actor will be cast in a role that often pits him against another of a similar caliber. Usually these big-name actors will be on different sides of the law, and both stars will typically share similar qualities, whether
挂载命令 mount -o username=账号,password=密码 // /mnt/share 具体见Linux系统挂载SMB文件系统 (aliyun.com) 然后打开目录就可以看见文件 也可以使用df -h的命令进行检查 然后设置为开机自动挂载 nano /etc/fstab 加入 // /mnt/share cifs defaults,username=账号,password...
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