与常用的文件传送协议 FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 相比,FTP基于TCP协议,提供交互式的访问,允许客户指明文件的类型与格式、允许执行对目录和文件的访问,并且可以完成特定类型的目录操作以及需要进行身份验证。 可以说FTP是完整的、面向会话、常规用途的文件传输协议,而TFTP相当于用作特殊目的简化版的FTP。 TFTP...
client_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; client_addr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SERVER_IP); printf("try connect to server " SERVER_IP " :%d \n", SERVER_PORT); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) ==...
Thank you very much, David, for looking into this and for providing the example. I still have to look at it in detail. My W5500 arrived by mail order. Thus, yesterday night, I extended myexample code. The AsyncWebserver example worked right out of the box and is reachable both via ...
Asynchronous example static void ftp_retr_callback(void *arg, int result) { lwftp_session_t *s = (lwftp_session_t)arg; if ( result != LWFTP_RESULT_OK ) { LOG_ERROR("retr failed (%d)", result); return lwftp_close(s); } // Test is done lwftp_close(s); } static uint data...
华为云帮助中心为你分享云计算行业信息,包含产品介绍、用户指南、开发指南、最佳实践和常见问题等文档,方便快速查找定位问题与能力成长,并提供相关资料和解决方案。本页面关键词:stm32 ftp服务器 lwip。
TCP Client&Server establishes a two-way connection between a server and a client. It is the most common communication model used by applications such as HTTP, Telnet, FTP, SSH and others LwIP is a free light-weight TCP/IP stack in MCUXpresso SDK. It has thre...
URL(Uniform Resource Locator)是“统一资源定位符”的英文缩写,用于描述一个网络上的资源, 基本格式如下 schema://host[:port#]/path/.../[?query-string][#anchor] scheme 指定低层使用的协议(例如:http, https, ftp) host HTTP服务器的IP地址或者域名 port# HTT ...
error = tcp_connect(pcb2,&ipa,port,ftp_connect); } P.S. i didn't changed the lwip_web_server.c . i just replaced the httpd_init() call with the test_init() call Thx for your help Translate Tags: Intel® SoC FPGA Embedded Development Suite 0 Kudos Reply All forum ...