3.1 配置 DRBD 存储 a. 部署 DRBD b. 配置 DRBD 3.2 配置 NFS a. 部署 NFS b. 配置 NFS 3.3 配置 Keepalived a. 部署 Keepalived b. 配置 Keepalived 4...
ALIGNMENT alignment offset MIN-IO minimum I/O size OPT-IO optimal I/O size PHY-SEC 物理扇区大小 LOG-SEC 逻辑扇区大小 ROTA rotational device SCHED I/O scheduler name RQ-SIZE request queue size TYPE device type DISC-ALN discard alignment offset DISC-GRAN discard granularity DISC-MAX discard ma...
2. Se o sistema exibir uma mensagem indicando que o link de download expirou ou o download foi interrompido, atualize a página. 3. Não compartilhe software ou informações confidenciais sem consentimento prévio por escrito da Huawei.About...
如图所示,一根长为L的轻杆OA,O端用铰链喧固定,轻杆靠在一个高为h的物块上,某时杆与水平方向的夹角为,物块向右运动的速度,则此时A点速度为A B00 A. Lvsin
Cadence Tutorial B: Layout, DRC, Extraction, and LVSCreated for the MSU VLSI program by Professor A. Mason and the AMSaC lab group. Revised by C Young & Waqar A Qureshi -FS08, Patrick O’Hara –SS15Document Contents 文档目录Introduction Create Layout Cellview 创建布局单元视图 Design Rule ...
Cadence Tutorial B: Layout, DRC, Extraction, and LVSCreated for the MSU VLSI program by Professor A. Mason and the AMSaC lab group. Revised by C Young & Waqar A Qureshi -FS08, Patrick O’Hara –SS15Document Contents 文档目录Introduction Create Layout Cellview 创建布局单元视图 Design Rule ...
2. Si el sistema muestra un mensaje que indica que el vínculo de descarga ha expirado o que la descarga ha sido interrumpida, actualice la página 3. No comparta software ni información confidencial sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de Huawei. ...
以下关于LV快照的说法中正确的是? (多选) A. LV snapshots are LVs themselves. B. LV snapshots are read-only. C. LV snapshots can be mounted to the directory. D. LV snapshots contain copies of the original LV data. E. LV snapshots are created using the vgcreate command. ...
1$ ls2addition.c multiplication.c addition.o multiplication.o 3. 用ar命令来创建静态库文件 1$ ar cr libarith.a addition.o multiplication.o 其中cr就是create的意思,这样就创建了一个libarith.a的静态库文件。 4.写一个c程序来调用libarith.a库 ...