lvl beams | lvl timber | lvl span tables floor joists | lvl raft F17 formply FILM FACED PLYWOOD lvl beams | lvl timber | lvl span tables floor joists | lvl raft Pine Plywood OSB (ORIENTED STRAND BOARD) xlife formply plywood antislip plywood ...
1 1/2″ VERSA-LAM 1.7 2650 Joists Residential Floor Span Tables – LVL-18Tech NoteViewtech-noteus-east us-west Allowable Fastener Spacing & Design for BCI Joists and VERSA-LAM – GE-3Tech NoteViewtech-noteus-east us-west Alternate Power and Hand Driven Nailing of Multiple Ply 1 3/4″...
Woelful, Scott
Murphy LVL 安装指南说明书
I am spending 16 foot to hold the second floor up I am taking a wall down on the first floor to make it opened how big a beam do I need Reply Todd Fratzel Larry – You need to use the design tables. I can’t do that for you as it’s a liability issue. If you need help...
Murphy LVL Technical Design Guide