Working with LVHN, we planned the content based on what location the patient chose, mapped out the different treatments, and broke everything down into chapters. Once the visual needs were identified, extensive planning of timing, logistics, crew, and location needs took place. Video and photogra...
Transforming Patient Care Through Telehealth (Presentation)Berkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksNone
Patient Enablement Instrument: Useful Evaluation Tool for Measuring Relationship Centered Care Competency In Family Medicine ResidentsBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBiery MS, NyannDostal MD, JulieBaker MA, Debra M
Care of the Morbidly Obese Hospitalized PatientBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBeth Careyva, M.D
Relationship-Centered Culture Associated With Patient Satisfaction in Primary Care PracticesWilliam L Miller MDMA
Measuring Quality Beyond the STS Database: How Health Care Reform, Public Reporting, and Patient Satisfaction will Impact Your Career.nature based tourism productmultisensory elementKinabalu Parkexperience economyBerkeley Electronic Press Selected Works...
Transforming Patient Care Through TelehealthTracy MS, BA, JosephPanik MS, RN, NEA-BC, AnnePatient Care Services