msgbox_create(lvgl.scr_act(), NULL); lvgl.msgbox_set_text(mbox1, "A message box with two buttons."); lvgl.msgbox_add_btns(mbox1, btns);--- lvgl.obj_set_width(mbox1, 200); lvgl.obj_set_event_cb(mbox1, event_handler); lvgl.obj_align(mbox1, nil, lvgl.ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0);...
在您的应用程序中,您可以使用lv_msgbox_create函数来创建一个消息框。这里是一个简单的示例: c #include "lvgl/lvgl.h" // 假设已经有一个活动屏幕 lv_scr_act() static const char *btns[] = {"Ok", "Cancel", ""}; lv_obj_t *mbox = lv_msgbox_create(lv_scr_act(), "Title", "This is...
lv_obj_t* msgbox = lv_msgbox_create(parent, "Success!", "have saved", NULL, true);lv_obj...
lv_obj_t* msgbox = lv_msgbox_create(parent, "Success!", "have saved", NULL, true);lv_obj...
顺着lv_port_disp_init() 里面往下,接下来有个“Create a buffer for drawing”注释,下面有三个 example。这部分是显示方式,大致看下可以发现是单缓存、双缓存、全屏缓存三种模式。我们只要使用一种,所以选定一种后把其它两种给注释了就行: 选择缓冲方式 ...
It sounds really complicated. What if we leave it to the user instead of supporting this edge case in LVGL? It should be doable to call an lv_group_focus_obj() when needed. I agree it is a conundrum to solve, my only concern is I think it is possible to cause a crash. I will ...
Message box (just examples not real suggestion): lv_obj_t*mb1=lv_msgbox_create_txt(parent,"Hello");lv_obj_t*mb2=lv_msgbox_create_txt_btn(parent,"Hello","Ok",ok_event_cb);lv_obj_t*
lv_hal_tick.c/h lv_hal.h 添加文件 见工程配置,在gn文件中添加源码。 需要移植的代码 移植比较简单,直接使用底层驱动模板根据实际实现修改lv_port_disp.c,并配置lv_conf.h即可。 头文件包含模式 vendor/openvalley/niobeu4/demo/107_hdf_spi/lvgl/lv_port_disp.h中 ...
voidlv_port_disp_init(void) {/*--- * Initialize your display * ---*/disp_init();/*--- * Create a buffer for drawing *---*//** * LVGL requires a buffer where it internally draws the widgets. * Later this buffer will passed to your display driver's `flush_cb` to...
2.2 显示相关lv_port_disp文件修改 vendor/openvalley/niobeu4/demo/302_lvgl/lv_port_disp.h中 将 #if 0 1. 复制 改为 #if 1 1. 复制 DEFINES下添加lv_conf.h所在路径配置和分辨率配置 /*** * DEFINES ***/ #define LV_LVGL_H_INCLUDE_SIMPLE 1 #define MY_DISP_...