/dev/VolGroup01/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 4096: Input/output error Snapshot origin volumes can be resized only while inactive: try lvchange -an 出错原因: 被扩展的VG存在LVM快照(LVM snapshot),所以扩展VG时出现上面错误。因为这个LVM快照是PlateSpin使用,上面没有...
Snapshot origin volumes can be resized only while inactive: try lvchange -an 出错原因: 被扩展的VG存在LVM快照(LVM snapshot),所以扩展VG时出现上面错误。因为这个LVM快照是PlateSpin使用,上面没有什么数据一定需要保留。所以使用lvremove删除逻辑卷LV,然后扩展VG。 最后创建LV解决。 解决方案 # stat /dev/VolG...
Change the active state of LVs. An active LV can be used through a block device, allowing data on the LV to be accessed.ymakes LVs active, or available.nmakes LVs inactive, or unavailable. The block device for the LV is added or removed from the system using device-mapper in the kern...
[ --monitor y|n ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] - Make the minor device number persistent for an LV. lvchange -M|--persistent y --minor Number LV [ -j|--major Number ] [ -a|--activate y|n|ay ] [ --poll y|n ] [ --monitor y|n ] [ COMMON_OPTIONS ] - Common options for command:...