The current implementation of lv_memcpy uses macros like _COPY and _REPEAT8, which can lead to undefined or unintended behavior under high compiler optimization levels (-O3). This results in hard faults in some cases. Here’s the refactored version of the function using inline functions: #inc...
void*memcpy(void*dest,constvoid*src,size_tcount );wchar_t*wmemcpy(wchar_t*dest,constwchar_t*src,size_tcount ); Parameters dest New buffer. src Buffer to copy from. count Number of characters to copy. Return value The value ofdest. ...
Size of the destination buffer, in bytes formemcpy_sand wide characters (wchar_t) forwmemcpy_s. src Buffer to copy from. count Number of characters to copy. Return value Zero if successful; an error code on failure. Error conditions
[i] = i*i; } // Tell memcpy_s to copy 10 ints (40 bytes), giving // the size of the a1 array (also 40 bytes). err = memcpy_s(a1, sizeof(a1), a2, 10 * sizeof (int) ); if (err) { printf("Error executing memcpy_s.\n"); } else { for (i = 0; i < 10; i...
memcpy_s copies count bytes from src to dest; wmemcpy_s copies count wide characters (two bytes). If the source and destination overlap, the behavior of memcpy_s is undefined. Use memmove_s to handle overlapping regions. These functions validate their parameters. If dest or src is a null ...