lv_chart_set_ext_y_array(chart, ser, value_array)makes the chart use an external array for the given series.value_arrayshould look like this:lv_coord_t * value_array[num_points]. The array size needs to be large enough to hold all the points of that series. The array’s pointer wi...
#硬声创作季 #LVGL 学LVGL-26.1 lv_chart图表介绍-1 水管工 276 15 #硬声创作季 #LVGL 学LVGL-27.2 lv_table表格的API接口和例程演示-3 水管工 1215 11 #硬声创作季 新塘开发板,基于lvgl的仪器界面编写。(学习ps画图是最费劲😂) 嚜軒公告 1146 7 #硬声创作季 #LVGL 学LVGL-27.1 lv_table表格介绍-...
26.1lv_chart图表介绍 24分钟 26.2lv_chart图表的API接口 33分钟 26.3图表的API接口和例程演示 22分钟 27.1lv_table表格介绍 20分钟 27.2表格的API接口和例程演示 35分钟 28.lv_preload预加载 21分钟 29.1lv_tabview选项卡介绍 26分钟 29.2选项卡的API接口和例程演示 ...
( I use 900 points:lv_chart_set_point_count(ui.screen_chart_1, 900);) From my understanding the ticks on the X-axis have to be set only once (at initialization), why does this have an influence on the graph set function and therefore to the processor load?
32.lv_spinbox递增递减 33.lv_img图片 34.lv_imgbtn图片按钮 35.lv_win窗体 36.lv_list列表 37.lv_ddlist下拉列表框 38.lv_roller滚轮 39.lv_canvas画布 40.lv_theme主题 41.综合例程 请谨慎对待机构在平台外的宣传与承诺,课程信息以平台内发布为准,站外交易不受平台保护,请谨慎支付!查看详情 张洋 0课...
Hello! when using the chart functions I noticed a strange behaviour. I need to have different text on the x axis, depending on the zoom level. It seems, as if the num_tick_marks value of the lv_chart_set_x_tick_texts (..) function is cro...
43LV_CHART_TYPE_NONE = 0x00, 44LV_CHART_TYPE_LINE = 0x01, 45LV_CHART_TYPE_COLUMN = 0x02, 46LV_CHART_TYPE_POINT = 0x04, 47LV_CHART_TYPE_VERTICAL_LINE = 0x08, 48LV_CHART_TYPE_AREA = 0x10, 49}; 50typedefuint8_t lv_chart_type_t; ...
#硬声创作季 #LVGL 学LVGL-26.1 lv_chart图表介绍-2 水管工 177 11 #硬声创作季 #LVGL 学LVGL-27.2 lv_table表格的API接口和例程演示-3 水管工 1215 11 #硬声创作季 新塘开发板,基于lvgl的仪器界面编写。(学习ps画图是最费劲😂) 嚜軒公告 1146 7 #硬声创作季 #LVGL 学LVGL-27.1 lv_table表格介绍-...
LVGL例程21 lv_chart(图表)/Drivers/BSP/IIC/myiic.c5KB LVGL例程21 lv_chart(图表)/Drivers/BSP/IIC/myiic.h3KB LVGL例程21 lv_chart(图表)/Drivers/BSP/KEY/ LVGL例程21 lv_chart(图表)/Drivers/BSP/KEY/key.c3KB LVGL例程21 lv_chart(图表)/Drivers/BSP/KEY/key.h2KB ...