LV Symphony Ring 首度亮相於 Louis Vuitton 2023 秋冬女裝大秀上,該場大秀以呈現法國「此時此刻」氛圍為概念,創意總監 Nicolas Ghesquière 大動作攜手視覺藝術家 Philippe Parreno 及美術指導 James Chinlund 合作,在奧塞美術館中完美還原巴黎的街道樣貌,同時更邀請到曾榮獲奧斯卡獎的法國作曲家兼音響工程師 Nicolas Be...
LV戒指:男友送的惊喜生日礼物 🌟 最近收到了一枚Symphony Ring,真是被大家夸得不行!其实平时很少买LV的东西,总觉得他们的设计有点不太合我的口味。但这枚戒指真的是让我眼前一亮,完全爱上了!😍 🌟 季节限定: 这款戒指是23FW Womenswear系列的一部分,在秀场上的look 1、2、6都有佩戴。官网的图模特也超...
Felix舞台造型,LV宠儿! 💍戒指(左食指):Louis Vuitton Symphony Ring 💊腰带:LIV Optic 40mm Reversible Belt 💍戒指(左无名指):Louis Vuitton Volt One Band Ring 💎手链:Louis Vuitton Futura Bracelet 👢鞋:Louis Vuitton Baroque Ranger Boot 💖项链:Louis Vuitton Futura Choker 👚上衣:Louis Vuitton...
佩戴的项链,耳饰,戒指珠宝均是价格不菲的Volt系列,算是今年五月ELLE LV推封的热门珠宝,以及近一万美元的Lockit Ring锁头戒指,还有当季新款的Symphony Ring,也是Nicolas设计,Felix最近背过该系列的一款音符包💎 舞台着装上衣为LV创始人诞辰200周年,巴黎时装周秀款,LV春夏22女装秀款。
(Space Table Symphony ) 4k HD Lv.9 02:36 节奏大师官谱(向我屈服) 4k HD Lv.8 02:53 节奏大师官谱(不倒翁) 4k HD Lv.8 02:18 节奏大师官谱(亲爱的) 4k HD Lv.8 02:46 节奏大师官谱(公用电话) 4k HD Lv.7 03:14 节奏大师官谱(糖果) 4k HD Lv.7 03:26 节奏大师官谱(尽情舞动) 4k...
(Space Table Symphony ) 4k HD Lv.9 02:36 节奏大师官谱(向我屈服) 4k HD Lv.8 02:53 节奏大师官谱(不倒翁) 4k HD Lv.8 02:18 节奏大师官谱(亲爱的) 4k HD Lv.8 02:46 节奏大师官谱(公用电话) 4k HD Lv.7 03:14 节奏大师官谱(糖果) 4k HD Lv.7 03:26 节奏大师官谱(尽情舞动) 4k...
In the dressing room of this mansion, the space is well planned, like a classical symphony, and the clothes are like musical notes in the light. The layers of clothing are distributed like keys, and treasures of all sizes have found their own notes. The dresser and the single chair comple...
Now that I was in America,I wanted,to become famous,but my new teachers reminded me that I had a lot to learn.I spent two years___5,and by 1999 I had worked hard enough for fortune to take over.The Chicago Symphony orchestra heard me play and liked me,but orchestra schedules were...
it’s a Magical and healing symphony. Maybe a flowing, visual poem Dante once also thought of in his (re) imagination of Beatrice. 太絕了嗚嗚嗚絕美言情改片!🦪👍!Also you gotta realize The love is centered around redemption, being caring, and ultimately providing pleasure to each other....
The Chicago Symphony orchestra heard me play and liked me, but orchestra schedules were set far in advance. I thought I might join them in a few years. 1.A.Finally B.sneak C.on D.practicing 2.A.Finally B.sneak C.on D.practicing 3.A.Finally B.sneak C.on D.practicing...