Here are some examples to set an object's size using a style: ```c static lv_style_t style; lv_style_init(&style); lv_style_set_width(&style, 100); lv_obj_t * btn = lv_btn_create(lv_scr_act()); lv_obj_add_style(btn, &style, LV_PART_MAIN); ``` As you will see bel...
style_value_t v_y; res_y = lv_obj_get_local_style_prop(obj, LV_STYLE_Y, &v_y, 0); if((res_y == LV_RES_OK && v_y.num != y) || res_y == LV_RES_INV) { lv_obj_set_style_y(obj, y, 0); } } bool lv_obj_refr_size(lv_obj_t * obj) { LV_ASSERT_OBJ(ob...
ObjCRuntime OpenGL OpenTK PdfKit Photos PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit QuartzComposer QuickLook QuickLookUI SafariServices SceneKit ScriptingBridge SearchKit Security Social SpriteKit StoreKit System System.Net.Http SystemConfiguration UserNotifications VideoSubscriberAccount VideoToolbox Vision WebKitLearn...
Factory method to create a new NSDictionary initialized with the specified obj (value) and key. FromObjectsAndKeys(NSObject[], NSObject[], nint) Creates a dictionary from a set of values and keys. FromObjectsAndKeys(NSObject[], NSObject[]) Creates a dictionary from a set of values and...
NSTimeZoneNameStyle NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.Notifications NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeEventArgs NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeReason NSUnderlineStyle NSUndoManager NSUndoManager.Notifications NSUndoManagerCloseUndoGroupEventArgs NSUnit NSUnitAcceleration NSUnitAngle NSUnitArea NSUnitConcentrat...
lv_observer_get_target_obj lv_observer_get_user_data lv_observer_remove lv_roller_bind_value lv_slider_bind_value @@ -550,7 +581,6 @@ lv_subject_init_int lv_subject_init_pointer lv_subject_init_string lv_subject_notify lv_subject_remove_all_obj lv_subject_set_color lv_subject_set_...
ObjCException OutletAttribute PreserveAttribute ProtocolAttribute ProtocolMemberAttribute RegisterAttribute RegisterDataRepresentationLoadHandler RegisterFileRepresentationCompletionHandler RegisterFileRepresentationLoadHandler RegisterObjectRepresentationCompletionHandler RegisterObjectRepresentationLoadHandler UNCDidActivateNotificationEve...
ObjCType (Inherited from NSValue) One Factory method returning a reference to the NSDecimalNumber 1.0. PointerValue Returns the IntPtr value wrapped by this NSValue object. (Inherited from NSValue) PointFValue Returns the PointF value wrapped by this NSValue object. (Inherited from NSVa...
Embedded graphics library to create beautiful UIs for any MCU, MPU and display type. - lvgl/src/core/lv_obj_style_gen.c at release/v8.3 · lvgl/lvgl