void * glyph_data; /*Depends on `format` field, it could be image source or draw buf of bitmap or vector data.*/ lv_draw_glyph_bitmap_format_t format; lv_font_glyph_format_t format; const lv_area_t * letter_coords; const lv_area_t * bg_coords; const lv_font_glyph_dsc_t *...
40uint32_t adv_w :12; 41#else 42uint32_t bitmap_index; 43uint32_t adv_w; 44#endif 45uint8_tbox_w; 46uint8_tbox_h; 47int8_tofs_x; 48uint8_tofs_y; 49}lv_font_fmt_txt_glyph_dsc_t; 50 51 53enum{ 54LV_FONT_FMT_TXT_CMAP_FORMAT0_TINY, ...
static bool get_glyph_dsc_cache_cb(const lv_font_t * font, lv_font_glyph_dsc_t * dsc_out, uint32_t unicode_letter, uint32_t unicode_letter_next) { if(unicode_letter < 0x20) { dsc_out->adv_w = 0; dsc_out->box_h = 0; ...
该字体一共有653个字形图,免费字体网仅展示前 200 个简单字形图 拖动滑块调整大小 : 0.notdef 1.null 2nonmarkingreturn 3space 4!exclam 5"quotedbl 6#numbersign 7$dollar 8%percent 9&ersand 10'quotesingle 11(parenleft 12)parenright 13*asterisk ...
Urban Defender Super-ItalicVersion 1.1; 2019字形图 前往字体下载页面 该字体没有相关数据! 下载字体 最新中文字体更多 Aa半岛日记加粗 Aa半岛拼音 超大字 Aa半岛日刊 超大字 Aa流浪日记 Aa焦糖布丁 Aa狂侠体 Aa乐道体 Aa甜牛奶 Aa像素江户 本 Aa像素江户 影 Aa你是深夜里孤独的 乡立方黑体 繁Think黑 最新...
55 T T 56 U U 57 V V 58 W W 59 X X 60 Y Y 61 Z Z 62 [ bracketleft 63 \ backslash 64 ] bracketright 65 ^ asciicircum 66 _ underscore 67 ` grave 68 a a 69 b b 70 c c 71 d d 72 e e 73 f f 74 g g 75 h h 76 i i ...
47 T T 48 U U 49 Ú Uacute 50 Û Ucircumflex 51 Ü Udieresis 52 Ù Ugrave 53 V V 54 W W 55 X X 56 Y Y 57 Ý Yacute 58 Ÿ Ydieresis 59 Z Z 60 Ž Zcaron 61 A uniFF21 62 B uniFF22 63 C uniFF23 64 D uniFF24 ...
If you want to get the best result in monochrome font rendering, change render_mode to FT_LOAD_RENDER. It's the last parameter of FT_Load_Glyph() function (in gdft.c). up down 0 dnf at seznam dot cz ¶ 16 years ago For negative image you must add one line after the $gray...
} lv_face_info_t; typedef struct { lv_ll_t face_ll; } lv_faces_control_t; typedef struct { #if LV_USE_FT_CACHE_MANAGER void * face_id; #else FT_Size size; #endif lv_font_t * font; uint16_t style; uint16_t height; } lv_font_fmt_ft_dsc_t; /...
45 t t 46 u u 47 v v 48 w w 49 x x 50 y y 51 z z 52 C C 53 9 nine 54 1 one 55 2 two 56 3 three 57 4 four 58 5 five 59 6 six 60 7 seven 61 8 eight 62 0 zero 63 ( parenleft 64 ) parenright 65 * asterisk ...