LV_EVENT_REFR_EXT_DRAW_SIZE, /**< Get the required extra draw area around the object (e.g. for shadow). The event parameter is `lv_coord_t *` to store the size.*/ LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN_BEGIN, /**< Starting the main drawing phase*/ LV_EVENT_DRAW_MAIN, /**< Perform the main ...
Introduce the problem @kisvegabor Hi, I noticed that the event-related API has been modified in this commit: 680d6d1. What is the reason for changing this API? Examples and cases
lv_event_code_tcode =lv_event_get_code(e);if(code == LV_EVENT_CLICKED) {/* ... event handler ... */} 这就像在中断函数内判断中断源一样。 不过以上回调还可以使用另一种不传入用户参数的形式完成。首先,通过 lv_obj_t*lv_event_get_target(lv_event_t* e); 可以获取产生事件的控件,然后...
lv_obj_remove_event_cb(obj,event_cb); event_cb是回调函数的名字,可以自定义 事件获取,比如按下,长按等 lv_event_code_t code=lv_event_get_code(e);//e是回调函数的形参 触发事件的部件获取,如滚轮,进度条部件 lv_obj_t *target =lv_event_get_target(e); lv_obj_t*target=lv_event_get_targe...
lv_obj_t* kb = lv_event_get_target(e);// 获取当前事件对象,也就是键盘对象 lv_obj_t* ta = lv_keyboard_get_textarea(kb);// 获取与键盘绑定的输入缓冲区的对象 lv_keyboard_set_textarea(kb,NULL);// 取消键盘的关联 lv_obj_add_flag(kb, LV_OBJ_FLAG_HIDDEN);// 添加键盘隐藏标志,隐藏键...
//添加事件lv_obj_add_event_cb(label,Www,LV_EVENT_ALL,NULL);//配置宏触发lv_obj_add_flag(label,LV_OBJ_FLAG_CLICKABLE); 回调函数是www,需要先写好,下面列出回调函数详细 staticvoidWww(lv_event_t*e){lv_obj_t*obj=lv_event_get_target(e);// 获取触发事件的部件(对象)lv_event_code_t code...
lv_obj_t * btn = lv_event_get_target(e); if(code == LV_EVENT_CLICKED) { static uint8_t cnt = 0; cnt++; /*Get the first child of the button which is the label and change its text*/ lv_obj_t * label = lv_obj_get_child(btn, 0); ...
static void RefreDataCbk(lv_event_t *event) { lv_event_code_t code = lv_event_get_code(event); lv_obj_t *obj = event->current_target; if(code == LV_EVENT_USER_REFRESH_RESULT) // 接收到信号 { DataTypedef *data = (DataTypedef *)event->param ...
@@ -462,6 +471,8 @@ static void lv_img_event(const lv_obj_class_t * class_p, lv_event_t * e) lv_obj_t * obj = lv_event_get_target(e); lv_img_t * img = (lv_img_t *)obj; lv_point_t pivot_px; lv_img_get_pivot(obj, &pivot_px); if(code == LV_EVENT_STYLE_CH...
Event & Summit Top Tips ABOUT LVXPORT.Ltd We are a young, fresh and innovative team who are passionate about helping UK businesses reach their target market in China. We are not part of the Chinese government nor are we bureaucratic – we work smart and efficiently to build a community of...