lv_coord_t radius; lv_opa_t opa; struct { lv_color_t color; lv_coord_t width; lv_border_part_t part;lv_opa_t opa; } border; struct { lv_color_t color; lv_coord_t width; lv_shadow_type_t type; } shadow; struct { lv_coord_t top; lv_coord_t bottom; lv_coord_t left; ...
LV_EVENT_COVER_CHECK, /**< Check if the object fully covers an area. The event parameter is `lv_cover_check_info_t *`.*/ LV_EVENT_REFR_EXT_DRAW_SIZE, /**< Get the required extra draw area around the object (e.g. for shadow). The event parameter is `lv_coord_t *` to stor...
lv_color_tcolor; lv_coord_twidth; lv_shadow_type_ttype; } shadow; struct { lv_coord_ttop; lv_coord_tbottom; lv_coord_tleft; lv_coord_tright; lv_coord_tinner; } padding; } body; struct { lv_color_tcolor; lv_color_tsel_color; constlv_font_t* font; lv_coord_tletter_space; ...
lv_color_tcolor; lv_coord_twidth; lv_border_part_tpart;lv_opa_topa; }border; struct { lv_color_tcolor; lv_coord_twidth; lv_shadow_type_ttype; }shadow; struct { lv_coord_ttop; lv_coord_tbottom; lv_coord_tleft; lv_coord_tright; lv_coord_tinner; }padding; }body; struct { ...
typedef int32_t lv_coord_t;#elsetypedef int16_t lv_coord_t;#endif 默认不开启大尺寸(在lv_conf.h定义),因此是int16_t类型,-32768~32767,一般也不会有超过这么大尺寸的屏幕或者虚拟屏幕。 另外一个重要的类型是颜色,即lv_color_t。 typedefLV_CONCAT3(lv_color,LV_COLOR_DEPTH,_t)lv_color_t; ...
static lv_coord_t row_dsc[] = {50, 50, 50, LV_GRID_TEMPLATE_LAST}; 定义的是3行元素,每行的行高=50; 其中“LV_GRID_TEMPLATE_LAST”这个元素不能省略,否则程序会跑崩。官方说明书太潦草了,靠它根本就学不会。 然后就是创建一个网格容器,网格属性就是上面定义好的行列属性; ...
Perform all steps below and tick them with [x] Read the FAQ Check the related part of the Documentation Update lvgl to the latest version Reproduce the issue in a Simulator I haven't spent time reproducing this in a simulator but I'm fai...
_coord_t lv_obj_get_draw_rect_ext_pad_size(lv_obj_t * obj, uint8_t part) sh_width = sh_width / ; /*THe blur adds only half width*/ sh_width++; sh_width = lv_obj_getstyle_shadow_spread(obj, part); sh_width += LV_MATH_MAXLV_MATH_ABS(lv_obj_get_style_shadow_...
typedef int16_t lv_coord_t; /*=== Memory manager settings *===*/ /* LittelvGL's internal memory manager's settings. * The graphical objects and other related data are stored here. */ /* 1: use custom malloc/free, 0: use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc` and `lv_mem_free`...
typedef int16_t lv_coord_t; /*=== Memory manager settings *===*/ /* LittelvGL's internal memory manager's settings. * The graphical objects and other related data are stored here. */ /* 1: use custom malloc/free, 0: use the built-in `lv_mem_...