Change LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE_WITH_ALPHA Set LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE_WITH_ALPHA to LV_COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB8565 to let vg_lite render image correctly. Notes Update the Documentation if needed. Add Exam... = LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA, .data_size = 280 * LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE_ALPHA_SIZE, = LV_COLOR_FORMAT_NATIVE_ALPHA, .data = mouse_cursor_icon_map, }; 67 changes: 12 additions & 55 deletions 67 src/engine/hal/simulator/simulator.cpp @@ -1,67 +1,24 @...
And on top of that, there are some great menu items too. Some of the dishes we had were full orders – the Yellowtail Serrrano and Rock Shrimp Tempura – and not the Happy Hour size. We also had Lobster Dynamite and Shishito Peppers. It was all just perfect for us as we had spent...
我们在前面的移植步骤中,创建了一个native方法---nativeTouch publicstaticnativevoidnativeTouch(intx,inty,booleantouch) 该方法在LVGLSurfaceView中被调用 importandroid.content.Context;importandroid.util.AttributeSet;importandroid.view.MotionEvent;importandroid.view.SurfaceView;publicclassLVGLSurfaceViewextendsSurfaceView...
parent::GMIPluggableSet(); } function getExpression() { return "size {width}, {height};". "autoresize none;". "type gif, 256, {color: {bgcolor}};". "padding {padding};". "color {color: {bgcolor}};". "fill;". "color {color: {color}, {alpha}};". "antialias {antialias};...
AllowNativeHeapPointerTagging AllowParallelSyncs AllowSharedIsolatedProcess AllowSingleTap AllowTaskReparenting AllowUndo AllowUntrustedActivityEmbedding AllowUpdateOwnership Alpha AlphabeticModifiers AlphabeticShortcut AlwaysDrawnWithCache AlwaysRetainTaskState AmbientShadowAlpha AmPmBackgroundColor AmPmTextColor Angle Anima...
AllowNativeHeapPointerTagging AllowParallelSyncs AllowSharedIsolatedProcess AllowSingleTap AllowTaskReparenting AllowUndo AllowUntrustedActivityEmbedding AllowUpdateOwnership Alpha AlphabeticModifiers AlphabeticShortcut AlwaysDrawnWithCache AlwaysRetainTaskState AmbientShadowAlpha AmPmBackgroundColor AmPmTextColor Angle Anima...
127 : 0; $color = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $r, $g, $b, $a); imagesetpixel($image, $x, $y, $color); } else if ($bytes_per_pixel == 3) // TARGA 24 - BBBBBBBB GGGGGGGG RRRRRRRR { $r = fileint($data, $pointer, 1); $b = fileint($data, $pointer+1, 1); $...
qemu_cxxflags = ['-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS', '-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS', '-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS'] + qemu_cflags endif add_project_arguments(qemu_cflags, native: false, language: 'c') add_project_arguments(cc.get_supported_arguments(warn_flags), native: false, language: 'c') ...
* Make the size of program/pipeline caches configurable via GrContextOptions::fRuntimeProgramCacheSize * Added kAlpha_16_SkColorType and kRG_1616_SkColorType. This is intended to help support HDR YUV uses case (e.g., P010 and P016). As such, the...