Luxman L-550AII合并式放大器 维普资讯
I think the Luxman L-550AXII is an excellent amp. The $5500 isn’t cheap, but the quality of the workmanship, the pleasure and convenience of having the heart of your system contained in a single chassis, and the inclusion of a killer phono stage (and comparing that to the cost of s...
Luxman T-550 (a/k/a T-550U)(1973,photo)search eBay The T-550 (T-550U) has 4 FM gangs and 3 AM gangs. It usually sells for $75-120 on eBay. Luxman TP-117(1988, $1,250,Stereo Review review)search eBay The fairly common TP-117 tuner-preamp usually sells for $200-280 on eB...
but, alas, UPS didn’t, managing to lose track of the package and not recovering it until the eve of deadline, when it was impossible for me to do any listening to include in this review
and bias checked for each unit at the factory. Each SQ-N150 is run through a soak test and warmed-up through a full power cycle so that the bias of the output tubes can be precisely set at the factory. Bias shouldn't need to be checked or changed unless/until output tubes are change...