皮带驱动模拟播放器Luxman PD-171A带驱动模拟播放器,带可更换音臂的可拆卸臂底座 力士PD-171 系列作为模拟播放器,可传达唱片中音乐的温度和空气感。 为了适应用户的系统,我们准备了无臂 PD-171AL 和 PD-171A,该臂具有通用音调臂。 核心采用新开发的大功率电源电路和交流同步电机,采用皮带驱动系统,可旋转高惯性重...
Lux Corporation, founded in 1925, has changed its company name to e-Lux Corporation with a new management organization to meet the changing world of our information society. At the same time, a new company has been established under the name of Lu...
The PD-171 most certainly wears a retro look but incorporates some fine technology. The deck is belt-driven and the high-torque synchronous AC motor derives its power from a digitally-controlled oscillator, which feeds its output signal into dual DACs and amplifier circuits. As a result, 33.3...
Luxman(力仕)也是为“黑胶回潮”作出贡献的一员,推出PD-171,再于2014年更新为 PD-171A、PD-171AL,撑起了日系中价黑胶盘市场的半边天。 而PD-151,则是对PD-171的补充而推出性价比更高的中档入门的黑胶唱盘。无论机身还是其它组件,PD-151均以高端型号PD-171作为蓝本。 认识黑胶唱盘 黑胶唱盘有两大要点: 第...
I highly suggest photographing every step of unboxing your PD-171A, just in case you ever have to move and need to box it back up. And I highly recommend that once you mount your cartridge of choice, just spend a few minutes to step back and absorb the sheer mechanical beauty before ...
早在2011年前后,“黑胶回潮”一词仍未成为音响界的关键字的时候,不少日本音响品牌就已经重新推出黑胶唱盘。Luxman(力仕)也是为“黑胶回潮”作出贡献的一员,推出PD-171,再于2014年更新为 PD-171A、PD-171AL,撑起了日系中价黑胶盘市场的半边天。 而PD-151,则是对PD-171的补充而推出性价比更高的中档入门的黑胶...
Luxman PD-191A黑胶唱盘 为纪念Luxman(力仕)建厂100周年推出的旗舰款黑胶唱盘。作为诞生已有10余年的畅销机型PD-171的升级版,引入了各种新技术,包括原创的静态平衡唱臂LTA-710、保障唱盘稳定旋转的无刷直流驱动电机等,精致设计和产品哲学受到高度评价,也成为发烧友玩味的要点。
早在2011年前后,“黑胶回潮”一词仍未成为音响界的关键字的时候,不少日本音响品牌就已经重新推出黑胶唱盘。Luxman(力仕)也是为“黑胶回潮”作出贡献的一员,推出PD-171,再于2014年更新为 PD-171A、PD-171AL,撑起了日系中价黑胶盘市场的半边天。 而PD-151,则是对PD-171的补充而推出性价比更高的中档入门的黑胶...
并具有6.3mm耳机输出口,方便耳机玩家的需求。另外还具有MM/MC对应的唱头放大线路,黑胶玩家可直接搭配唱盘使用,比如Luxman自家的PD-171A。原来在搭档的选择上,她相当多元化。想不到吧?LX-380冷峻古典的造型之下,竟可给人如此多的功能,如此多的乐趣。 细腻顺滑,胆味浓郁...
The PD-171 most certainly wears a retro look but incorporates some fine technology. The deck is belt-driven and the high-torque synchronous AC motor derives its power from a digitally-controlled oscillator, which feeds its output signal into dual DACs and amplifier circuits. As a result, 33.3...