The design of the P-750u is enhanced further with the inclusion of a highly stable power supply circuit consisting of a highly regulated OI-core power transformer, two 10,000μF custom block capacitors in the power amplifier stage and two 3,300μF custom block capacitors in the pre-driver...
New product information(P-750u) is available here Jun 02,2017 The latest version of "LUXMAN Audio player is now available." PRODUCTS PRODUCTS For details of current products. DISTRIBUTORS DISTRIBUTORS Please contact the distributor of your country for an inquiry. ...
Luxman也是三大品牌之中,现时唯一拥有纯耳扩的厂家,经历多次转款,来到最新的P-750u, 也是第二台拥...
出个luxman p..如题,无箱说,仅机身及电源线(JPA15000)成色很新,无拆无修,上盖后两侧稍有划痕,有意可dd好难出啊顶一下!
[其他] LUXMAN P-750U Keane0828 2018-4-6 110365 JoeTsang@FB 2019-5-22 23:11 [擴音器] L-590AX Markll Luxman 2016-1-20 112787 necbbc 2018-10-9 14:45 [擴音器] Luxman L-509X 大將瘋度 Luxman 2017-8-30 113791 LineageII 2017-9-4 11:51 [擴音器] LUXMAN LX-380 & D-380 醉人...
Luxman P-750u MARKII 于 2003 年推出,开创了高端耳机放大器流派的莱克斯曼的新亮点。 P-750u MARKII 是一款旗舰机型,基于全平衡配置的 P-750u,是耳机放大器的最高峰,采用最新的电路技术和定制部件,经过彻底梳理。 耳机放大器的新"参考"P-750u MARKII,它充分利用了直接聆听的乐趣,并充分利用了耳机的潜力。
DA-250 是一款 USB D/A 转换器,采用最新的功能和技术趋势,保留了 2010 年推出的 DA-200 大片概念和 B4 文件大小的外壳。 它简单总结了各种功能,包括 PCM192kHz/32 位、DSD5.64MHz 支持、耳机放大器单元,其驱动力显著增强,配备电子控制衰减器 LECUA,以及提供方便的遥控器,实现了规格和通用性,可构建高级音频...
I put the Luxman through its first paces with King Crimson's landmark 1973 epic,Larks' Tongues in Aspic(Japanese LP, Atlantic P-8330A). The title track/opening salvo in this veritable rock symphony always leaves me depleted, having survived its whisper-to-scream dynamics. Jamie Muir's critt...
LUXMAN will be exhibiting at HIGH END MUNICH 2023, Atrium 4.2 Room F229 Feb 15,2023 New product information(D-07X) is available here Dec 01,2022 New product information(PD-151 MARK II) is available here Jun 03,2021 New product information(L-595ASE) is available here Jun 03,2021 ...