finished basement is improved using Dirac Live. I'm redoing my home studio and the mains are going to be line source speakers rather than point sources like the KEF's. In the old house where I rent, ripping up the walls is not an option. Neither is adding a...
R反馈增幄电路辅出处产生的失真部分.实现初期通过速率的高速化和超宽带域、低失真的L U X M A N独特的负反馈电路O D N F(O nl y D i sl or t i on N egat i ve Fee dbac k).自1999年登场以来.一直持续稳定地发展L-507uq,措载了SA C D播擅机的旃舰产品0—08中描载的V e r30,在台...