Luxman(力仕)是一个具有80多年历史的著名音响品牌,产品包括电子管、晶体管放大器、CD播放机、解码器、黑胶唱机等等。DA-06是Luxman的一款Hi-End级解码器,集合目前最流行的数码技术,据说DA-06的部分技术源自于备受好评的D-06CD播放机。 ■ 外观 DA-06采用标准的机箱设计,外观是Luxman风格,铝合金面板搭配铝合金旋钮...
日本的Luxman(力仕)成立于1925年,可以说是一个具有悠久历史的品牌,而这次它们带来了其全新的解码器DA-06,此款解码器可支持PCM 32bie/384kHz和DSD的2.82/5.64MHz音频文件的播放,而在接入了USB播放的时候,此款产品更是可以得到让心惊喜的数字。 此款解码器不仅可以支持Mac OS X,更是可以支持Windows XP和更高级...
汕头中文音响淘宝店链接: 剑桥Cambridga Topaz CD10 CD Player播放机 英国Naim/名 Ovator S-400落地箱 英国NAD M2 合并功放 英国AE AELITE月影三号落地箱 ...
现货优惠日本Luxman力仕DA06高保真AES旗舰DSD功放 现货优惠 日本Luxman力仕 DA06 高保真AES旗舰DSD解码器 骏韵行货 风格: 现货 优惠 日本 Luxman 力仕 DA06 高保真 AES 旗舰 DSD 图文详情
of 5.64MHz for DSD. The S/PDIF input can handle audio up to 192kHz/24bit. Streaming services may provide up to 192kHz/24bit for PCM and 2.82MHz for DSD but the DA-06 reproduction specifications exceeds these. LUXMAN have prepared for the further evolution of state of the art sound ...
2 USB D/A CONVERTER DA-06 7-segment LED Last memory function Placement of a 3-digit 7-segment LED with a high The setting data of digital filter, analog output polari- level of visibility in a double-deck manner has been ty, and the like is stored on the flash memory. introduced. ...
DA-06 This unit is a fusion of the best specifications that can maximize the output of any audio source and a system that can truly make music connect with the listener Discontinued USB D/A CONVERTERS DA-250 Advanced versatility. A USB D/A Converter commanding the sound source and system ...
the Luxman DA-06 was cake to install. My Apple iMac recognized it the moment they called to one another across a 2m-long WireWorld Revision USB cable—the processor appeared in the computer's System Preferences/Sound window as "Luxman DA-06"—and has never failed to do so in the days ...
出luxman da..都是朋友从日本带回的p700u+da06都是箱说全的,我看过很好成色,机主说有些划痕,我没注意110v的机器都出1w1,打包送个变压器,不负责运费hd800使用不多,无掉漆4800不包古河双三平衡,3米的好成色,出1800耳机和线打包或者先出线
LUXMAN DA-07X 延续了 2013 年热门解码器 DA-06 的纤薄设计,采用喷砂处理的银白色前面板,搭配大型显示窗口,高清晰度 OLED 显示屏带来悦目且精确的用户界面。2️⃣ 技术规格 DA-07X 具备 LUXMAN 最新旗舰 D-10X SACD/CD 播放器的高端数字处理能力。其 DAC 核心采用与 D-10X 播放器相同的 ROHM “MUS-IC...