日本力仕Luxman D-05U SACD/CD播放机 全新行货保修 D-05U乃D-05的进化型号,定位为旗舰D-08u之下的中坚机,并且继承了D-06u的性能,以及设有现今主流的USB数码输入, DAC晶片采用了TI的PCM1795 ,并以双晶片配置方式而成的单声道,而非同步的USB DAC支援高达 192kHz/32bit的PCM讯号,而DSD方面则对应于高达5.64...
The high-inertia power supply featured in the D-05u consists of large-capacity power transformer, independent regulators for each circuit and a large-capacity block capacitor. The cabinet of the D-05u has a complex structural design utilising a loopless and shielded chassis that acts as a count...
商品品牌:日本 LUXMAN/力士 价格请来电商议 商品点击数:33111 简单描述: 联系人:陈先生 13816879868 营业电话:021-63645696 上海市 锦华音响 D-05u 頻率響應:CD:5Hz~20kHz (+0、-0.5dB) SACD:5Hz~50kHz (+0、‐3.0dB) USB 5Hz~50kHz (+0、‐3.0dB) ...
." Our panelist Bob reviewed a 5T50 and found it to be nothing special, aside from the no-longer-innovative technology. Sale prices for the 5T50 on eBay can be all over the place, as low as $102 in 9/14 and as high as $355 in 2/16. The all-time high was $465 in 4/05....
日本LUXMAN力仕D-05UD-06UD-08UCDSACD机带DAC解码器 日本LUXMAN力仕D-05U D-06U D-08U CD机SACD机带DAC解码 全新行货 风格: 日本 Luxman 力仕 D-05U D-06U D-08U CD SACD 机带 DAC 图文详情